Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 516 516- Two Leaf BloodTrap Plant

Simon dilly dally longer, he was about to teleport out of the dungeon along with Bea when suddenly he saw the Bloodthorn demonic warhorse coming in.

"My lord if you are going to the orc territory to bring in those orcs, please take me with you," the warhorse asked.

"What will you do there?" the last time he had brought the warhorse because he needed someone to divert the attention of the Elder Lizardmen from the Deep Sea Alligator Kings. Now that he had already subdued the orcs, there was no need for him to bring the warhorse along with him this time.

Besides that, due to the recent incident with the orcs, the people of the tower town were much too guarded against the monster and the appearance of the Bloodthorn demonic warhorse was much too conspicuous.

Well, he was not the one to talk being a demon viscount and all after all; however, he had the aid of the Grimlock's trinket with him.

"My lord, I want to see the ones who are going to be the new defenders of this dungeon with my own eyes before you bring them in here" The Bloodthorn demonic warhorse replied.

Simon understood the Bloodthorn demonic warhorse the most, he could tell that the latter wanted to check out the soon-to-be new additions of this dungeon and see whether they are worthy to be living in this dungeon.

It was a warrior through and through and would never accept a comrade who harbours a traitorous heart. Because of this, he wanted to go with Simon to the orc territory. Simon mused at the end, he did allow the Bloodthorn demonic warhorse to tag along with them.

The group was the same one that went to the northern region of the forest to subdue the Deep Sea Alligator king.

WHOOSH… Simon, Bea and the Bloodthorn demonic warhorse teleported a few kilometres away from the dungeon and using the cover of the forest, they slowly moved away. As he had guessed after the incident with the orcs, there were many adventurers patrolling the forest.

Simon took out the Ice Phoenix's Sigh and using its extreme presence nullification ability, they manoeuvred around the adventurers before they were finally out of the vicinity of the town. Now that there were no adventurers around, Simon mounted on the warhorse and expected Bea to do the same only to see the latter extending her hand towards him.

"Master" Her gesture was obvious, she wanted him to help her get on the warhorse. Simon recalled a similar scene around a year ago, at that time he was the one offering the help and the other way around.

But that one didn't go well and that person chose not to share a mount with him and instead use her powers to fly away. That proud and cold individual was none other than Irene.

Now that Simon looked back to the scene, at that time Irene did not even converse with him much and it took a long time before they became able to converse the way they do now.

While Simon was having such thoughts, Bea climbed the warhorse using his outstretched hand and tightly embraced him from behind. Her two full mounds pressed onto his back but since she was wearing an armour there was nothing to be felt.

<strong>NEIGHHH…</strong> rearing its forelegs, the Bloodthorn demonic warhorse took off towards the sky. It took more than a day for Simon and the Valkyries who were flying at full speed to return back to the dungeon.

However, now that he was riding the warhorse it took them only half the time to arrive back to the orc's territory. As he did not bother to hide his scent or presence this time, the orcs were clearly able to sense him.

By the time he arrived at the black mountain, the abode of Berigard, a huge army was standing ready there.

"My lord, we have been waiting for you" Berigard bowed his head, kneeled on two legs and offered his staff towards Simon. This was the custom the orcs used to show their loyalty and respect to their king.

Simon nodded his head accepting their fealty and noticed the two orcs similarly owing behind him. If he was not wrong, they were the two orc commanders, Bellock and Belmarch.

What was surprising was that they were alive even after going through such a bashing at the hands of Gir-Rego. The presence of the two orc commanders was very feeble probably because they haven't fully recovered.

"I hope you all are done with your preparations to move to a new place?" Simon asked to which the orc general replied that they had nothing to take along other than the weapons and armour on them.

"My lord, may I be so bold as to ask you a question?" Berigard asked minding his manners, a strong pressure was currently boring down on him. Its source was the mount of the demon, the warhorse with a nightmarish look.

This kind of pressure that even made Berigard tremble in fear could only come from a powerful beast, possessing a bloodline that was far higher than theirs.

Yes, it was the bloodline suppression that Berigard was feeling right now. It was not only him that felt this difference, every orc that was present here, did so. They all couldn't hep but marvel at the powers of the demon to subdue such a strong beast and use them as a mount.

Unknown to Simon, the fact that he had chosen to bring the Bllothorn demonic warhorse with him, raised his image in their hearts by a fewfold.

Simon rested his gaze on Berigard who was still maintaining his submissive posture and told the latter to carry on. "My question is regarding the future of our orcs. What will be our purpose from now on once we enter your dungeon and whether the place we are going be able to hold all of us".

Hearing his question Simon felt like it was only natural that the latter would ask something like that. Although he had told him that he would be taking them inside his dungeon, he never mentioned what they would be doing there and what their job was from now on.

Simon looked at the huge army at the base of the black mountain and couldn't help but get impressed. It was not only just the orcs from his faction that were standing there at attention but also orcs from other factions too.

The charisma that he had shown during the war was able to win over quite a bit of orc who had decided that it was better to follow him than stay in their territory.

From What Simon could tell looking at their numbers more than 60 per cent of the total population of orcs were ready to move inside the dungeon. That is to say, around 90,000 were assembled here out of which 40,000 were ordinary orcs, around 35,000 High orcs and the remaining 15,000 were diluvian high orcs.

Just the number of the Diluvian High Orc was enough for Simon to declare that his participation in the war and the enmity with the ogre was worth it. These diluvian high orcs would later go on to become an incredible division of his dungeon's army, one that would make even the world cower.

But that was something for the latter, right now they were just orcs who had lost a war and were forced to get evicted to a new place.

"You are right, let me make this clear before we move on to the dungeon. Now that you have submitted to me, it makes all of you my subordinates. The responsibility of my subordinates is simple, and that is to protect my dungeon from intruders".

"That would be your job and duty from now on. Of course, I'm not saying that it is an easy task, in comparison, it might be even harder than living here. Many of you would die but as I have said before, as long as you do a good job, you will be rewarded accordingly. To prove my words, I have brought something for you guys… here".

Simon passed a space ring to Berigard which the latter graciously received. When they checked the contents of the space ring, their eyes immediately became wide with shock.

"Th-This is Two Leaf BloodTrap Plant… and there are hundreds of it inside" Berigard's words were heard by the others around him and just like him, they too were shocked by what they saw.

Two Leaf BloodTrap plant, a mystical plant that only grow in the depths of the ghastly winding forest. That is to say, it grows in places filled with a dense amount of mystical energy.

Another condition for the Two Leaf BloodTrap plant to grow was the presence of other floras around it. The Two Leaf Bloodtrap plant is a type of carnivorous plant that absorbs the life force of other plants around it to grow because of which, it contain a special property that makes the plant a highly sought-after by all the alchemist who wants to create higher tier potions.

Nevertheless, this wasn't the reason why the orcs were so surprised. The special property of the Two Leaf BloodTrap plant is exactly the material the high orcs needed to evolve into a Diluvian High orc. It was their precondition for evolution.

The Two Leaf BllodTrap plants are rare due to their harsh growing conditions. Each year the orcs are only able to gather a few Tow Leaf BloodTrap plants from the depth of the forest; nonetheless, it was never enough.

So seeing hundreds of Two Leaf BloodTrap plants in the space ring offered by the demon, took them by surprise.

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