Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 513 513- Planning Out A Surprise

All in all, the grand protection array that will protect the Forest spring spirit village, took three days to create.

After the array was placed and ready to operate, Simon along with his group, teleported back to the main floor.

"Phew…" Simon slumped on top of his couch and released a deep breath. Although Irene had done eighty per cent of the work, it was exhausting just to watch her carve so many complex and incomprehensible runes.

"Miss Irene would like to have a bat?" Annette asked Irene who was a little sweaty.

"Ah, yes… I would like to change out of these clothes" Irene replied walking out of the hall.


"Big sister I would like to bathe too"

"Alright, you can enter with me then"…

Their voices from the other end of the hall. 'Bath huh..' Simon's mind subconsciously started wandering after hearing that word. He couldn't help but imagine a scene that evoked nefarious thoughts inside his mind.

Simon quickly dispersed such thoughts and focused on other things at hand. Three days had already gone by while they were busy creating the array, the orcs would be ready to move by now.

Before coming back to his dungeon, Simon had given clear instructions to Berigard and the orc to finish up all their pending tasks and be ready to move in a few days. He would be bringing them back to the dungeon as its new inhabitants who would guard it against intruders and add to its increasing defence system.

An orc's strength couldn't be discounted especially the high orcs and the Diluvian High Orcs. Although in the war they looked weaker than the ogres, it was because of the environment and the lack of resources that slowly put them on the lower hierarchy than the ogres.

Inside his dungeon, they would have a far better environment than they were used to and the ever-present dense mana to make them stronger. Plus, just like his all other subordinates that he brought inside his dungeon, if they served him loyally, they would be able to enjoy the treasure of the nature.

In an environment like that, it would be a miracle if their strength didn't advance.

The Andromedas brought by Alice which he sent to mine the many mineral mountains present in the orc's territory, sent a message back to the wisp that the orcs had already started gathering near Berigard's territory.

Simon would have liked to bring them back; however, Irene had already worked non-stop for three days, he didn't want to burden her again.

As she was the only one with mystery in advanced space magic around, Simon had no choice but to wait for some time. During that time, he decided to visit the pond of serenity and train for a while.

Now that he had jumped 55 levels and have reached level 473, the density and quantity of mystical power within him had taken a big leap all at once.

From how unsteady and turbulent the mystical energy within him was, Simon knew that he needed a few days to stabilise his newfound powers and familiarise himself with his increased stats. If he did not do that and continued to level up wily-nilly, the solid foundation, the base for the future he had been building would be severely affected.

This might lead to him being weaker than those around his rank and the condition of his physical body slowly deteriorating. Simon knew the importance of having a solid foundation as he had encountered many enemies with unstable or borrowed powers.

The powers that they used, raised their levels all at once resulting in their base becoming unsteady.

In a clash between two people around the same rank, or level, the one with the unsteady foundation will always have a disadvantage as they would be unable to bring the most out of their level.

Therefore it was extremely important to have a steady foundation after each big level ups and something that Irene had stressed quite a few times.

Simon came near the shore of the pond which was surrounded by a thick mist, rich in mystical energy that soothes your heart, and clams your mind. He found a big rock to sit cross-legged and meditated for a while.

Time ticked away and soon a few hours passed by... during that time, quite a few subordinates visited but seeing that he was training, they all left silently.

Simon opened his eyes, propped up from his seat and did some light stretching. He could feel that the energy inside him had settled down a little, if he continued like this for a few more days it will fully stabilise.

Now that he was done with his training for the time being, Simon did not immediately leave but instead sat there for a while. He opened his [Main Menu] and clicked on the [Dungeon] option and enlarged the three new floors that he had been building.

The reason why it was left incomplete the last time was because an emergency had come up. Yes, it was none other than the event where the orcs had invaded his tower town.

Additionally, because of the slowly decreasing DP income of his dungeon, Simon was a little concerned about splurging his stockpiled DP. Thus he stopped at that point.

Now that the adventurers were diving back inside his dungeon once again, his income was back to normal. Perhaps it had even increased a little due to the new adventurers that arrived in the town after the distress call.

Simon moved the boos floors (49th and 50th) down and placed the new floors up. These new floors were going to be the new inhabitants for the orcs.

On that note, Simon had noticed that he could move the floors that were already inhabited by the monsters, up and down. Like for example, if he wanted to bring the 40th floor down and switch it with the 50th floor, he could do so.

Although that would take DP equal to creating a new floor; plus, one also had to keep in mind that the more higher the floor one wants to switch, the more larger the DP required.

Switching the 30th floor was many times costlier than switching the 40th floor. However, when it came to switching the empty floors like the three he had created, the 51st, 52nd and 53rd  can be switched amongst themselves without any DP.

Another thing to note was that it was fundamentally impossible to move the floor where the dungeon core was located. It is also impossible to move the floors where the intruders are. That is to say, the floors which are currently occupied by the humans cannot be switched.

Most of the high ranking demon nobles who created their own dungeon are already aware of such knowledge; however, Simon who was of low birth, had to learn all of this through observation and experimentation.

Anyways, the boos floors were switched to become the current 52nd and 53rd floors while the new floors he had created, became the 49th,50th and 51st floors. (He switched the 49th and 50th floors with the three new empty floors)..

By the time he was finished modelling the floors and installing the necessary things, a day had already passed by.

Simon closed the [Main Menu] inhaled and exhaled the refreshing air rich in mystical energy. He was just about to move from the rock and go back to his palace when he noticed that tiny droplets of water were falling down from the sky.

No, it would be inaccurate to say that it was water since the liquid that dropped from the sky was the highly pure mystical energy.

TIP.. TIP… <strong>SHAAA…</strong> at first, it was a light drizzle before it turned it a downpour of rain.

"So this is the mystical cycle huh" Simon muttered allowing himself to get wet by the rain.

The dungeon Laplace was not a high ranking dungeon, there was no weather or seasons installed on the [Main floor]. So how come it was raining here?

The answer was because of the mystical veins and the density of mana on this floor which had reached a degree that allowed the mystical energy to form clouds as part of condensation and then rain in a cycle of precipitation.

This was the first time that Simon was experiencing the mystical energy rain. Sadly enough, Simon was not a monster and couldn't take advantage of the mystical droplets. He couldn't absorb the pure mystical energy that was dropping as rain.

Though it was not like it was going to waste since the many mana trees, trees of mana crystals, the minerals mountains, quandaries and the many different treasures on his main floor were able to nurture because of the mystical rain.

Satisfied by the growth of his dungeon that even outclassed some of the intermediate ranked dungeons, Simon slowly walked towards his palace.

"Master!!" When he neared the gate, Bea came running towards him with an umbrella in hand.

"Master, you are all drenched. Shall I prepare a warm bath for you?" She asked covering him with the umbrella.

"There is no need, I was just enjoying the ambience of mystical rain" the mystical water wasn't cold, so there was no need for him to take a bath. He accepted a towel from her and walked inside the palace.


Name:- Simon

Race:- Demon Viscount

Titles:- Demon of Pride [Incomplete Fragment 1/5]

Level:- 473


HP:- 80,951

MP:- 100,120

Strength:- 3319

Defence:- 3519

Agility:-  4265

Magic:- 4665

Endurance:- 3792

Luck:- 2446

Skills:- Language Comprehension, Analysis, Mental Map, Infernal Magic Mastery, Gale Magic Mastery, Lightning Magic Mastery, High-Speed Thought Processing, High-Speed Regeneration, High-Speed Flight, Super Enhanced Strength, Body Enhancement, Flame Resistance, Wind Resistance, Electro resistance, Pain Resistance, Blunt Damage Resistance,  Sense Presence, Hide Presence, Demonic Eyes, Super Enhanced Agility, Super Enhanced Endurance, Super Enhanced Magic, Super Enhanced Defence, Minimal Mana Consumption, Sharpened Senses, Mana Lines, Sword Mastery, ??????, ??????

Amalgamation Skills:- [Flame-Gale Mastery], [Electro-Flame Mastery]

Inherent Skills:- Dungeon Creation, Main Menu, Ancestral Symbol Ignition

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