Belial's voice resonated through the hall, carrying with it a weight of authority and ambition. His speech served as a testament to his rise to prominence and a subtle reminder to all that his reign has only just begun.

While his tone carried a certain level of arrogance, it remains measured, not veering into excessive haughtiness. Belial understood the delicate balance of maintaining respect and admiration from his fellow demons and especially from those peering from the distant lands, even as he revels in his newfound status as the Demon Lord of Envy.

"Hahaha, well said my lord, this one is completely awed by your ideology and creed. Your words have left an indelible mark on the Hexennacht and on the memories of those who witnessed it. I'm sure that you will bring a new dawn for all of us demonkind and usher us into a new era".

While the crowd was silent as to how to process all this display of power, Agares, one of the four Demon Archdukes seated in the distance, started clapping and applaud Belial's passionate speech.

The other demon archdukes also gave their congratulatory words to the Demon Lord of Envy.

"Un, that was a good presentation. However, I believe some of our guests might not have been completely satisfied by just this. Belial, why don't you make this assembly more exciting?"

ƥαṇdαs ηθνε|·ƈθm "I'm sure some people still do not have a good gauge of your power from just watching all that. You would be shaming your predecessors if you do not show them what the newly crowned Demon Lord of Envy is capable of".

The one to speak this time was Gareth. Although his words seemed to be addressing the crowds, his eyes were continuously looking up towards the sky.

Hearing the words of his father, Belial nodded his head. His lips curled into a wicked smile as he raised his hands and addressed the gathering once again.

"It is you said. I cannot prove I am worthy of the title of Demon Lord simply by showing off my army. Since the esteemed audience is not satisfied, I shall make this Hexennacht even more interesting by inviting challengers. My fellow Demon Nobles, I offer you an opportunity unlike any other, to witness the might of my three commanders as they engage in combat with any who dare to test their mettle. Is there anyone who wants to challenge them?".

With those words from him, the crowd was stunned as they murmured in a low voice. The challenge from the Demon Lord ignited a fire within their hearts.

Many Demon Nobles exchanged glances, their eyes gleaming with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. Belial's invitation was a chance to prove their own worth to him and also gain his favour at the same time.

If they could assist him when he is trying to defend his title and prove his capability to the whole demonkind, they would surely reap many benefits in the future.

A demon duke who didn't want anyone else to get on this bandwagon before him, spoke up.

"An excellent idea my lord. In that case, let this unworthy subordinate of mine to test the powers of the Esteemed commanders of Envy. Jeronis go up".

"Understood master" on the beckoning of that Demon Duke, the subordinate name Jeronis stepped forward.

'A Gargoyle huh, they should be a good opponent for a warmup I guess' Belial grinned and nodded in approval "Very well, as the Demon Lord of Envy, I give you the permission to challenge any one of the commanders of your choice? So who shall it be?".

The Gargoyle raised his head up and spoke "I challenge the Commander of Resentment".

"Alright" Belial casually waved his sleeve and created a spatial gate that led to some unknown place.

"This gate will take you to where Resentment is. I have explained everything to him, give your best shot" Saying that, the Demon Lord sent the gargoyle through the spatial gate.

After that, he manoeuvred the Distance Viewing Array and brought the screen to a vast grassy plain. There, two figures stood facing each other. The two figures were none other than the Commander of Resentment and the Gargoyle.

"Resentment, remember this is a mock battle, so you cannot go too extreme. If you understand that, then let us start this battle".

With those words, the clash between the challenger and the Commander of Resentment commenced. The air crackled with anticipation, the crowd watched with bated breath as the two combatants unleashed their powers upon each other.

Magic clashed, blades clashed, and the ground shook with the force of their blows. The sheer intensity of their battle evoked a mixture of awe and envy among the onlookers.ραпdαs `nᴏνɐ| сom

Meanwhile, one particular group or more precisely one demon to be specific, was stuffing his mouth with food without giving a rat's ass to the battle going on.

"Hey, don't you want to watch the battle between those two? It will be a good opportunity to size up the other party's strength" Simon remarked gazing at the array displaying the fierce battle.

"Don't even bother, this is all just an elaborate scheme to make Belial and his commanders look good. There is no way, we would be able to gauge anything from watching that battle. The gargoyle that they sent up is no match for the Commander of Resentment whose level is quite high".

"Compared to that, the gargoyles level although hidden, shouldn't be above level 700.  And besides, it is unlikely that Belial will reveal his cards openly to everyone. I'm sure he has ordered Resentment not to use his real strength or any [Commandments]" Oswell replied stacking one plate after another.

It was as he had said, the whole thing was staged. The Gargoyle who is said to possess a body sturdier than even Mythril was easily damaged and the pulsing mystical energy on its body was snuffed out.

And although it looked like the battle was a fierce one, it was no doubt an overwhelming victory for Resentment.

Clap… Clap…Clap…

"I have no words, that was indeed a splendid victory. I'm genuinely awed and impressed by the strength of Lord Belial's commanders. I cannot help but bow my head down in fear and reverence".

The master of the gargoyle, the Demon Duke wasted no time to bootlick right after the battle ended.

"Haha, you overpraise me. Your subordinate did quite well against resentment as expected of a Gargoyle, even amongst the [A] rank subordinate, they are quite good. Don't worry though, your subordinate is only knocked unconscious. I will be sending someone later to bring them. However, that was hardly a battle and wasn't a good enough gauge of Commander's strength" Belial responded smiling helplessly.

"In that case, how about I send another subordinate of mine? They are a Demon Marquess and should be more powerful than Jeronis"

The Demon Duke proposed. It was clear that he intended to take this chance to suck up to Belial and deepen his position. Of course, he wasn't the only one who wanted to ride on this bandwagon.

"How could that be, you just sent your subordinate. Lord Belial, please allow this one's subordinate to give it a try. My subordinate is much stronger and should be able to give quite a challenge to the three commanders".

The other high ranking demons wanting to establish a good relationship with the new Demon Lord, proposed to send their subordinates to challenge the three commanders.

The crowd was just starting to boil over who would send their subordinates up, when a colossal pressure, one that twisted the very fabric of space descended onto the venue. Immediately all the commotion that rose, was snuffed and a ghastly silence fell upon the venue.

All the demon nobles turned to look towards Demon Archduke Gareth. That pressure just now, came from him. Gareth was silent as his eyes wandered about seemingly thinking something.

He had been watching the spectacle with an indifferent eye up until now. However, he sensed that sending the subordinates of the Demon Dukes will not cut it, there was a need for a true test of power that will show those observers that his son is worthy to be crowned as one of the Demon Lords.

"Duke Megera, it seems that your subordinate was not an adequate gauge of the commanders' strength. Since you are so enthusiastic about all this, why don't you go up next and personally face one of Belial's three commanders in combat?"

"I believe that wil be the true test of power. How about it? Let us all witness the clash of powers between two forces of great prestige." Gareth spoke with a voice filled with authority. This was not a request, but a command.

Duke Megera who he called out, was none other than the Demon Duke who was the master of that Gargoyle. At this moment, he had quite an ugly expression on his face as if he swallowed a fly.

In his attempt to suck up to the new demon lord, he had dug himself into the trap. He couldn't help but want to curse out loud.

Challenge the commanders? It was fine if it was just sending his subordinate but him going up personally. Why should he, a mighty Demon Duke do that? In the first place, there was no merit to it and only disadvantages.

Whether he won in which case he would be offending the demon lord or lost whereupon his status and prestige will be crushed and he will be rendered a laughing stock, there was no advantage for him in it. 

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