Simon activated his appraisal and glanced at Famoon's subordinate. The result that he got was as such—

Name- Salvas

Race- Battle Troll

Rank- [B]

Level- 621,

Skills- Ultra Enhanced Strenght, Ultra Enhanced endurance, High Speed Regeneration, Poison Resistance, Body Enhancement, Flame Magic Resistance, Gale Magic Resistance. Brute Strenght, Raging Fury, Unyielding Resilience, Thunderous Roar, Earth Quake Stomp, Armour Break, Boulder Throw, Thick Hide, Axe Mastery, Unrelenting Assault, Crushing Grasp...

This subordinate named Salvas, was stronger than the Demon Earl Zerul and being from the race of Batlle Trolls, he possessed very high combat abilities.

Simon reckoned that even a party of level 600 adventurers would have some trouble dealing with a high level battle troll like him. Be that may, what attracted Simon's attention was not their level or their race, but the container in their hand.

The Battle Troll named Salvas was holding the Eye of Enigma that was sold in the auction. According to Prime, it was the actual article and one of the most precious items sold there.

Since he was concerned about the authenticity of the item, he gave up bidding for it. However, the eye turned out to be the real deal.

"The Eye of Enigma is a sentient item, it chooses its own master. You should keep an eye on the item, who knew if you are destined with it, the eye may end up in your hands" At this moment, Simon suddenly recalled the mysterious words that Prime spoke at that time.

Looking at the Eye of Enigma once again, Simon couldn't help but want to believe those words.

For good or for worse, the Demon Duke appeared in front of him and he also brought the Eye of Enigma with him. Simon didn't know if he was destined with it or not, but there was no way he would let this chance slip away from him.

This was his one and only opportunity to get his hands on the Eye of Enigma. As for offending the Demon Duke… there was no need to think about this matter anymore. In any case, the other party came to him with the intention of taking the twins away from him.

Therefore, they shouldn't have anyone to blame other than themselves if they got robbed of something instead.

Deciding so, Simon looked at Theodore who was eager to dive into the battle and gave the latter a simple command.

"Hehe, leave it to me master" Theodore thumped his chest and declared confidently. He then swiftly rushed towards the battle troll with a speed that was a hundred times faster than the speed of sound and punched the latter squarely in the guts.

The poor troll, it was unable to even sense Theodore and was sent flying like an artillery fired from a cannon. It flew for quite a few distances and after crashing into the surrounding trees and getting embedded into a mountain, did the troll's body finally came to a stop. Thereafter, the troll lay there motionless in a pool of its own blood.

The Battle Troll was knocked unconscious in one hit.

"Got it" Theodore who sent the troll flying, caught the container that slipped out of their hands. The boy observed the item that his master wanted, before taking it to them.

On the other side, Oswell and Famoon were locked in a standstill. Neither of them moved, they simply stood in front of each other and barred the other from doing anything.

Both of them were Demon Dukes with a very high status. Not to mention, they each possessed a large force behind them. If the two of them really fought it out here, they would cause quite a big commotion.

Additionally, this was the domain of the Demon Lord of Envy. As such, it would be extremely unwise of them to fight here.

Oswell knew that Famoon wouldn't dare to make a move with him as his opponent and that is why, he stepped forward without a thought to stop the other party. That said, he was getting tired of the glare Famoon was directing at him.

He who was aware of the other party's hobbies and taste felt a chill run down his spine every time those eyes glanced at him.

"Can you stop with that, it's really giving me the creeps. Just to let you know, I'm straight and my ideal types are well endowed women like Miss Lilith" Oswell goofed about.

"Shut up, I have no interest in a fatty like you" Famoon snapped giving Oswell a death stare.

"Haha, it's funny you calling me fatty. Compared to you, one might even call me slim. If I'm fat, then you are a ball, a ball of obesity…pftt" Oswell started laughing at the end of his own sentence.

"You!! laugh all you want right now, I'll make you regret all this later…" Famoon snapped back like a wounded beast. He was just about to start a second round of argument with Oswell when from the corner of his eyes, he noticed his subordinate Salvas being blown back and the Eye of Enigma being snatched by the opponent.

"This… give it back you brat" Famoon moved to stop Theodore from taking away the prized item he bought from the auction. However, he was stopped by Oswell who blocked his once again.

"Move Oswell, can't you see those people are stealing my item? Are you still going to defend them?" Famoon pointed at Simon and his group and asked in rage.

"Why are you getting so agitated for? Didn't you come here with the same intention? Now that the target stole something from you instead, you are suddenly acting like a victim. You had this coming, so stop with your act, it's disgusting"

However, Oswell made a repulsed face and simply exemplified the irony in Famoon's words.

The latter was extremely frustrated and angry over the fact of losing the Eye of Enigma in an attempt to get the twins.

When was it that a Demon Duke like him failed to get something that he desired? What's more, to even suffer a loss in the process? This suffocating feeling inside his heart, was very foreign and threatened to burst out of him.

However, Famoon could only swallow his bitterness for the time being. He knew that as long as Oswell was near the Demon Earl, he couldn't do anything to the latter.

As if to prove him right, he could tell from Oswell's eyes that were saying 'Don't even think about it'.

In the end, Famoon could only snarl in frustration, glare at Simon and the others who snatched his item before dropping some ominous words and leaving.

"Oh, that's right. When you check the items you bought from the auction later, do give me your opinion" Oswell commented looking at his departing back.

The other party would no doubt vomit blood once they realise that everything that bought was all garbage, they were completely scammed by Grimvul. The only item that had any worth was also snatched by Simon.

At that time, Oswell's words would definitely madden them until smoke starts coming from their head.

After Famoon left, the area descended into silence once again. Of course, there were still the rumbling sounds of fights erupting in the distance. Nevertheless, with Famoon gone, there was no one to make things difficult for them.

The group gathered together and observed the container in Theodore's hand.

"Hahaha, Simon I didn't know you had such a cynical side to you. To think that you would rob Famoon who came to rob you instead… it's so hilarious that I can't stop laughing" Oswell laughed, flashing Simon a thumbs up.

Other demons wouldn't even dare to speak against a high ranking demon like Famoon. However, Simon had not only mocked them, but even robbed them of their item.

"So the Eye of Enigma ultimately landed in your hands huh? In the auction, I couldn't say it with certainty but seeing how it came to you, I can now say for sure that the Eye of Enigma is a genuine sentient item".

Just like Simon, Oswell and the other high ranking demons too had given up on bidding for the Eye for the very same reason. They weren't sure if the Eye of Enigma was a genuine article just from its outward appearance.

And they sure as hell cannot believe the words of the Damner Merchant. In the end, it all relied on the ones who were willing or unwilling to take the risk.

It wasn't about the price of the item than it was about their reputation. 65,000,000 DP… For many of the high ranking demon nobles, this sum wasn't considered much. In fact, had they really bid for the item the price would have sky rocketed to hundreds of millions and might even reach a few billion DP.

Nevertheless, they did not do so because their reputation was much more precious to them. There had been many precedents before where a high ranking demon bought an item he thought was genuine for a large sum of DP only for it to end up a garbage in the end.

The DP spent on the item wasn't as much of a problem as it was their reputation which had taken a hit.

DP could always be recovered after a certain period of time. However, the same couldn't be said for their reputation. In the demon society where the demon nobles cared very much for their status, getting swindled by Grimvul in front of the whole demonkind, was a blotch that one cannot wash away even after hundreds of years.

They would be made fun of by other demon peers in every event and reduced to a laughing stock. 

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