Bizzare… that was the only thing that came to Simon's mind when he looked at the other party. The person; no, the thing that appeared in front of him, had the head of a goat, with half of it just being a skeleton.

What's more, one could see their internal muscles from the gaps in their skull. The thing had long twisting horns, razor sharp teeth and peculiar crossed eyes with ring shaped patterns.

They had a pale purple skin and wore a black hood over. Their arms were long and thin and held a weird staff that was made out of bones. A pungent smell of a corpse drifted from them.

"I am Merchant Grimvul, pleased to meet you" the thing introduced.

It turned out that this bizarre looking being was the Merchant Grimvul. No wonder they held the title of the Merchant of the Damned. No matter who it was, they would feel a little repulsed when looking at them for the first time.

As this was also Simon's first time meeting him in person, he was a little shocked. However, the shock in Simon's eyes was because of a whole different reason. It was because of their presence.

Although the Merchant Grimvul restrained their aura, Simon could still feel the deep and unfathomable power from them. This sort of power was completely different from the mystical energy of Althaea and was more closer to the curse energy.

That said, the two energies were different, although both of them had these malovalent and negative properties to them, the energy that Grimvul released, gave more of a cold feeling. If Simon had to put it in words, it had a dark, death like feeling.

"Shishishi… it appears that you are fascinated by the energy that I use. Hmm, why don't we make a deal? If you offer me something that I want, I won't mind telling you about the death energy and my necromancy magic" Grimvul spoke, flashing a hideous smile.

Hearing his words, an intense feeling of foreboding washed over Simon. His gut feeling was telling him that no matter what happens, he shouldn't make this deal with the other party.

Simon shook his head decisively. Although he was curious about the death energy and the necromancy magic, he wasn't going to take some unnecessary risk and strike some shady deal with this merchant who is known to be extremely crafty and scheming.

Besides, Grimvul had more or less given him the answer himself. Necromancy magic… if it was the same as what he thought, he could more or less tell what it did. 

"Is that so, I'm a little disappointed. I thought you of all people who has touched the essence of another system of energy would be curious about it. Aren't I right?… possessor of the Frgament of Pride?"

Grimvul flashed that hideous smile of his and his uneven eyes fixed on Simon's figure.

"What are you talking that?" Alarmed that Grimvul knew about one of his most guarded secrets, Simon feigned ignorance while secretly circulating mana all around his body, ready to make his move at the slightest signs of danger.

However, to his surprise, he found that he was unable to emit it outside of his body. It was not only that, even the mana that was circulating inside his body disappeared as if being vaporised.

Being unable to use mana meant that he couldn't access all his skills nor his magic. What was going on? What did this merchant do?

Seeing the cautious look on Simon's face, Grimvul explained—

"ShiShiShi… there is no need to fret, you aren't the only demon noble here who is unable to use Mana here. It is a pain to deal with some high ranking demons as such, I simply prepared some countermeasures to stop them from mustering mystical energy here. You could say that this place is a special area, that is void of all mystical energy"

Only after hearing the other's explanation, did Simon calm down a little; nevertheless, he did not completely relax his guard. From his inherited memories after becoming a Demon Earl, he knew that Grimvul was a cautious fellow. He wouldn't allow those demon nobles who got scammed by him, a chance to get back at him.

As such, it was no wonder that he prepared this kind of countermeasure beforehand. That said, this did not relieve Simon. Since he was unable to use his mana here, didn't it mean that he was all powerless against this guy?

What would he do if Grimvul suddenly attacked him? Worse, this guy also seemed to be aware that he possessed the Fagment of Pride. This was a secret that only a small number of people, that is to say only his closest aides, knew about.

So how did Grimvul come across this secret of his?

Simon fell into a deep contemplation, several thoughts and ideas flashed past his mind one after another.

'Main Menu' a black screen appeared in front of him when he called it out. It appeared that the [Main Menu] was still working. If that was the case then… Simon found out that the trump card he had prepared, was still working.

This place might be void of the mystical energy, but it cannot stop the trump that he had already prepared. Finding that he still had a fighting chance, Simon regained his composure back.

"Oh? You look quite composed. Is it because of the pride fragment?" Grimvul tilted his head and observed Simon even more closely.

| "How do you know that?" Simon questioned. Now that the cat was out of the bag, he wanted to know how Grimvul knew about his secret. This should be their first time meeting, so how come?

"ShiShiShi… it is a taboo for a merchant to reveal his trade secrets. However, as a sign of goodwill for our upcoming transactions I would caution you about one thing. There are a lot of high ranking demon nobles visiting this time. You should restrain the aura leaking out from those fragments you possess".

Grimvul rubbed his hands and said. Although the way he smiled and his bizarre appearance made it very creepy.

'Restrain the aura of the pide fragments' it was only now that Simon realised how the merchant was able to tell that he possessed the fragments of pride. It was because of the aura that they emitted.

Although when not activated, the fragments of pride are usually inconspicuous. However, a high levelled being or someone that possesses a keen sense would still be able to make out the faint aura that the fragments leaked.

The aura was stronger when one possesses multiple fragments. Simon who now possesses the first and second fragment of pride, could be said to giving off quite a bit of aura. It was no wonder the merchant recognised it immediately.

That being said, Simon did not know how to suppress the aura of the pride. It was a part of him now and something that he had very less understanding of. All he could do was use the Ice Phoenix Sigh that Irene gave him and further suppress his presence.

"You seem to possess some peculiar artefacts" Grimvul commented, his eyes gleamed over when he saw the items on Simon's hand.

"So… where am I? Where are my subordinates?" Simon questioned quickly keeping the item back inside his inventory.

From the knowledge he possed of the merchant, he knew that the other party had an extremely keen eyes when it came to artefacts and items. He might already know that the item in Simon's hand was no ordinary item.

"ShiShiShi… be at ease, I brought you here. Your subordinates are fine. Although they are searching for you everywhere at the gallery. Well, given their strength they should be alright" Grimvul explained.

"Why did you bring me here?"

It was a good thing that his subordinates were fine but the intentions of the merchant for bringing him here was still a mystery.

"Follow me inside, you will find out soon" Saying that, Grimvul turned around and started walking inside.

The darkness that seemed to be able to absorb all lights faded away, whenever they came across the wisps of blue flame.

"Make sure you follow behind me closely. There are many things here you do not want to meet especially in your current state… ShiShiShi" Grimvul cautioned while laughing.

Simon maintained a calm expression and silently followed behind Grimvul. He could feel terrifying presences peeking at him from the darkness. What were they? He had no idea nor did he want to find out. He felt chills all over his body just from them staring at him.

The two of them walked in this darkness for a while and soon, an enormous door appeared in front of them. Standing near the door like a guard were two imposing presences.

They were clad in jet black armour, exuded an aura of death similar to Grimvul and had huge swords strapped to their armour that seemed to have been made of metal that was grades above Mythril.

Although their face was concealed by their helmet, one could still peer inside and tell that there was no person inside that armour, but a skeleton with flickering green flame as eyes.

As Simon stepped forward, he was able to feel their might even more clearly. It was like a tidal wave, raw and primitive, crashing and destroying everything in its wake. In front of that might, Simon felt a suffocating feeling.

The moment that bizarre energy was about to crash into him, Grimvul flailed his staff.

"That's enough Death Knights, stand down" the merchant ordered.

Immediately, the oppressive energy of death subsided and was pulled back inside the two knights.

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