[Mystic Eyes], it was an extremely mysterious physique that allowed one to see or even predict the outcome or a possible future based on the colours and the choice they make. According to some legends that her guild master told her, the [Mystic eyes] might even be able to see through fate and destiny.

So if Gallio was telling them to be careful, Tiana knew better than to ignore his words.

Gallio nodded his head but the next second he frowned his brows, a look of hesitation appeared on his face for a second or two.

"Although it is a deep shade of red, it is at the same time also another colour".

"Another colour? What does that suppose to mean?" Tiana only knew a little information about the eyes thus she didn't understand what Gallio meant by another colour.

Gallio did not answer her, and instead muttered to himself  "The colour of purple, this is the first time that this colour appeared. What could it mean?".

Even he was amazed that his eyes would show a totally different colour that he had never seen before, at this point in time. If it had only just shown him the deep red colour, he wouldn't have been that amazed after all, he had seen it many times.

Most of the time when sparing against the people of his own guild. The colour red indicated that it was dangerous and that he should proceed with care, the deeper the shade of red, the higher the danger.

The path ahead of them was also a deep shade of red, just like that time when he sparred with his guild leader, Cassius Grey the guild master of the Assassins Guild.

Seeing Gallio go silent, Tiana lightly bit her lips and pondered. Excluding the number of people from the mage guild she brought with her into the pit which roughly made up half of their numbers, the rest belonged to two big guilds called the Lighting Rain and Typhoon Thunder.

The people from the Assassins guild made up for even less.

Given their numbers and their guilds, no matter what lay ahead of them it shouldn't pose too much danger. "It's just a low ranking dungeon after all" Tiana convinced herself.

It may be her first time leading a team into a dungeon, but it wasn't her first time inside a dungeon. Hence she rallied her team and all those people around her before cautiously walking through the caverns lit up by luminous ores and plants.

The group of 500 people marched through the pathway before arriving in front of a large grassland, the size of which was ten times the chamber where they previously were.

The entire place was full of lush green grass that reached up to their ankles and a clear breeze swept over the place from time to time. The breeze carried a sweet scent that tickled their nose and calmed their minds.

When Tiana and her team arrived at these grasslands, the first thing they did was get into formation. They observed their surroundings while maintaining their caution. However, when they saw nothing unusual happening even after a while did they slowly dropped their guards.

"What is going on? Why aren't there any monsters in this place? According to the recount of the adventurers, this place should be brimming with monsters. Yet we are unable to spot one even after diving inside the pit and arriving at this mysterious place".

Tiana voiced her concern. Her two sisters Anna and Hallie were frowning intensely too.

"That shouldn't be, in my vision this place is still in red in fact the colour is slowly becoming darker and darker" Gallio added with a grim voice.

What was going on? The place was devoid of any dangers, there was not even a shadow of monsters to be seen anywhere. On the contrary, these grasslands gave others the feeling of just lying down and laze for a few hours.

This unusual peace was making them sluggish and drowsy, fortunately for them, they had the perfect place to rest their bodies.

'Wait… sleepy?'...

Just as this thought arrived inside Tiana's mind, her eyes opened wide and her pupils contracted to the size of a pinpoint.

She turned her head around and saw that everyone around her was also drowsy. It was only now that she realised that they had fallen onto a trap.

"Everyone cover your nose, do not breathe in the sweet scent in the air".

Her panicked voice startled others. The people from the mage guild had enough trust in Tiana thus they immediately covered their nose while the people from the other guilds who made up the rest of the numbers, took their sweet time.

"Gallio… look all around you, can you really not determine where the colour of danger is coming from?".

Gallio who was called out, activated his [Mystic Eyes] once again. Understanding that something was amiss, he observed everything carefully to the point of straining his eyes. Yet no matter how carefully he observed his surroundings, he couldn't find the reason behind the colour of danger his vision was painted with.

As far as he could remember, his [Mystic Eyes] started showing signs of danger from the moment they arrive before the mysterious ruins. However, at that time it was only the colour of yellow which meant that it needed attention and a little bit of caution.

But as they kept going in, the colour of yellow started turning darker until it turned red in front of the chamber where the seven doors was.

Now after they entered one of the doors, the colour was a dark shade of red; nevertheless, the cause for this sense of danger was yet to be identified.

'Was the enemy hiding underneath the ground?' just as his train of thought led him till here, a thud noise of something falling on the ground sounded out.

An adventurer from one of the big guilds, had fallen on the ground. The people around that person called out to him yet he didn't respond.


After that first person, many more adventurers fell onto the ground in a similar fashion. When their vitals were checked, it was found that they were still breathing. However, they were unconscious and foam was coming out of their mouth.

That was when everybody realised… "Poison".

It was not known who shouted it, but everyone hurriedly covered their nose. Though it was already too late, the poison had already entered their respiratory system and was slowly taking its effects.

"So it really was poisonous" Tiana commented. She downed a vial of antidote that she had already prepared before diving inside the dungeon and covered her face with a veil of cloth.

Following her actions, the others too hurriedly took out various medicines from their space rings.

"Where is the poison coming from?" the question was hanging over everyone's head.

"Below" Gallio's hoarse voice came at this moment. He had been staring at the ground he was standing on with dark ashen eyes for a while.

"We have been had, the entire grassland… No, the entire mysterious ruins was booby trapped from the beginning".

His words caused the crowd to become silent and a cold chill to run down their spine.

"What do you mean?" Tiana asked sensing the gravity of the situation.

Gallio gave a dry laugh before pointing below them "Look below, the poison is coming from the…"

"Everyone be alert, we have company"...

Gallio's words were drowned by Hallie who shouted at the first sings of sensing magic in the distance.

RUMBLE… her words only just rang out when the ground started trembling intensely. The wind rustling the grass stopped, and a light appeared in the distance.

WHOOSH… WHOOSH… WHOOSH… one by one, these lights started appearing in the distance. If one strained their eyes and looked into the distance, they would be able to see that the light was coming from a tree.

pAn,Da n<0,>v,e1 To put it more precisely, the trees burning in the distance were providing this light. What was unusual about the situation was that these trees ignited all of a sudden and the fires seemed to faintly take the forms of leaves.

Weirdly enough, the enthralling flames looked like it was a part of the tree, as if the tree was meant to be burning. The sight caused the adventurers from the various guilds to hurriedly raise their guards.

However, what shocked them was what came next. Numerous magic circles started appearing on the other end of the grassland. It appeared on the ground, air, ceiling and the walls.

Monsters came pouring out of it in a never ending droves. At a glance, there were more than tens of thousands of them and that number was gradually increasing. Not only that, even the types of monsters that came out were many.

Some were land born, some aerial born, some had sharp beaks, while others had menacing fangs. Even their race was different. If there was something in common between them, it would be that all of them were denizens of fire.

The bodies of monsters blazed with fire.

SHIREEKKK… the monster released a wild cry as soon as they appeared and fixed their gaze on the humans in the distance. Their eyes blazed with unconcealed bloodlust as they charged forward.

"It's just one problem after another. Everyone stay on your toes, and maintain your formation at every cost. The enemy may appear intimidating because of their number but in terms of levels, they are inferior to us".

"As long as we fight together as a single unit, it should be a problem for us to survive the horde. Warriors you just need to hold down the monsters, leave disposing them to the magicians of my guild. We will blast them with magic powerful enough to blow them into smithereens".

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