"This was the favour you wanted to ask of me?"

"Yes" Valdris affirmed.

Simon was baffled, how was that asking him for a favour? wasn't it more like doing him a favour? The rise in the power of Earth Shattering Lower Dragon who has become his subordinate can only be good for him and not bad.

With strong subordinates, the defence of his dungeon would become more solid in the future. So in a way, Valdris was instead doing him a favour.

Though that was the case, Simon did not let it show on his face. He maintained a poker face and nodded after considering a few things in his mind.

The Earth Shattering Lower Dragon, was currently in the middle of its juvenile stage and had quite some time before it reached the adult stage thus it was no problem for Simon to allow it to leave with Valdris at that time.

"Many thanks to this young friend, this one shall remember this favour" The headstrong and prideful adult dragon bowed his head.

​ "Haha... Elder Valdris does not have to think too much about it. Oh right, now that this guy is my subordinate, I am going to teleport it inside my dungeon. What is Elder Valdris going to do? Of course, you are welcome to stay in my dungeon".

Once the earth shattering lower dragon enters his dungeon, Valdris would be freed of his duty of looking after the former. Simon wanted to know what this adult dragon would be doing till then. Would he return back to the dragon clan or would he stay behind?

Of course, it would be best for Simon if the latter still wished to prioritise his duty and came with him to his dungeon. At that time, Simon would gain a powerful helper and wouldn't have to worry about the crusade of the top five guilds.

"Haha, you can just call me Val. I appreciate your offer young man. However, I wouldn't be staying in the ghastly winding forest any longer. I plan to visit one of my old friends now and roam around a little while I wait for this fellow to reach the adult stage".

Valdris laughed, he appeared much more carefree now that he was relieved of his duty. Simon was speechless, this dragon appeared far too relieved and burden free now that he took the Earth Shattering Lower Dragon off his shoulder.

It was so much so that the word frivolous would be the perfect description for the current Valdris.

"Oh right, accept this seal as a token of my appreciation".

"What is this?" Simon took the small yellow crystal marked with some mysterious runes from Val.

"Haha… it is a spatial token inscribed with my essence blood. Once you shatter this, no matter where I am, I would instantly realise it and can come to your rescue. Use this when you are facing any trouble you cannot solve on your own" Valdris thumped his chest and explained.

It turned out that the crystal was a way of communicating with this adult dragon. Simon immediately accepted this token of appreciation and thanked Val.

With this, he would be much more relieved in the future if he ever met with some trouble he cannot solve with his own power. He had seen the power of an adult dragon, even the finger of Ozymandias wasn't enough to stop him.

"Un… at least you have some sense. With this, you have somewhat redeemed yourself for attacking a junior" Aldebaran remarked from the sides. It seemed that he had a good relationship with the other.

"Shut up you old ghost" Valdris clearly did not want to deal with Aldebaran at this moment. He turned around and was just about to leave when—

"Say hello to those old fogies for me when you meet them. Tell them it wouldn't be long before they can see the opening of that realm once again".

Valdris' eyes twitched though he did not know what Aldebaran meant, he would give this message to them.

Valdris stepped forward and covered hundreds of meters of distance in an instant. With another step he was further away and just like that, he disappeared into the distant sky.

Now that Valdris was gone, it was only Simon, Aldebaran and the uncertain looking earth shattering lower dragon left behind.

"Haha, congratulation young fellow on passing the first test. Honestly, I am quite surprised that you have completed it before the time limit. But I guess it is only to be expected for the person chosen by the fragment of pride".

Aldebaran repeatedly nodded his head. His elderly eyes measured Simon carefully and was quite satisfied with his growth.

"Alder is praising me too much. I have only just completed one of the two trails you have set for me. To gain the qualification to keep the forest spring spirits in my dungeon, I will naturally not shirk back. I will keep my promise and become a Demon Duke within six years and subdue the seven kings of this forest".

Simon spoke with determination. His eyes staring unblinkingly at Aldebaran.

"Haha… good.. good, I like your confidence. That's how the master of the fragment of pride should be. I don't have anything else to say to you other than that I will be waiting for you to give this old me a challenge… hahaha".

The king of the ancient treants laughed and turned into an ordinary tree, he too returned back. Now it was only Simon and the gobsmacked looked earth shattering lower dragon the only ones left in this place.

The reason why the latter looked gobsmacked was because of the words that Simon had uttered a few moments ago.

"You that… is it true… About the seven kings of the forest?" the Earth Shattering Lower Dragon asked with some hesitation.

"Yeah, that is the agreement I made with the kings of the ancient treants. Now that all the three overlords of the north have been subdued by me, it would be their turn next" Simon felt there was no need to hide it since the other party was now his subordinate and absolutely loyal to him thanks to the [Ancient Draconic Compel].

"Anyways, you should rest and heal your wounds for the time being. I will come back tomorrow to take you with me to my dungeon".

Simon commented, after that he didn't wait for a reply and simply took off. The fruit Aldebaran gave him completely recovered his health and healed all of his wounds and fatigue.


Five days passed by, one the morning of the sixth day.

City of Mountmend, a city situated at the top of a mountain. It was a small city with a population of less than half a million and located at the distant north-western corner of the kingdom bordering the Ghastly winding forest.

The city may not look spectacular compared to the other great cities or the capital of the kingdom; however, due to the management of Mayor Alfred, it was doing quite well.

The city seemed to be bustling with activity as humans from all walks of life strode around the streets. Although very rare, even some demi-humans could be seen among them. New buildings were propping up everywhere and the market was filled with various trades and transactions.

The city had a kind of flourishing atmosphere about it. Of course, the flourishing atmosphere wasn't something that was always there, this prosperity came from the emergence of a certain dungeon that was located in the ghastly winding forest.

Due to it, the city became a large trade hub where goods and materials were brought in and out every day. Caravans and adventurers who entered the city brought new goods with them which would then later be bought and transported elsewhere.

Of course, this increment in materials also attracted various craft smiths, alchemists and other professions to the city which further boosted its economy.

The markets and streets of the city of Moutnmend would usually be filled with hubbub and clamorous all day round. However, today it was extremely noisy and boisterous probably because of the numerous big air engines that had recently docked near the foot of the mountain where their city was.

Adventurers wearing lavish and exquisite armours could be seen continuously entering the city through the gates and roaming the streets of Mountmend in groups. They all had a different garb and had different insignia on their chest but the one thing common on them was that each and every one of them was strong without a doubt.

So much so that, even the local tyrants, the famous guilds of this city and the neighbouring cities had to restrain their aura around them.

The dazzling badge hanging in their chest and the aura of superiority surrounding them was something even the average citizen of this city could feel. They could tell that something big was about to happen and to further prove their beliefs most of the items that were in fairs, auctions or in shops were all purchased.

The entire market was emptied out.

One had to imagine what kind of wealth one needed to do something like that. It was as if a giant was on the move. Various hush-hush was going on in every part of the town.

Inside the city lord's mansion, the many servants and maids were hurriedly attending to the guests sitting in the lobby. These guests all wore a robe on top of their leather armour, held exquisite looking staffs in their hands and had a dignified aura around them.

Judging by their profession, all of them were mages and quite strong at that.

Mage was a class amongst the adventurers that was highly respected. Even if one searched all around the city, they wouldn't find many adventurers having the mage class.

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