There was no needless movement, a clean sweep that any warrior who saw this, would praise. A single swing from Xandros was enough to bring down more than five Diluvian High Orcs, dozens of ordinary orcs and ten maxed-level high orcs.

This action not only took all the orcs by surprise but also created a sort of anxiety and fear upon them. Even Beldoom who was watching the entire thing from the distance wasn't able to clearly see the attack coming.

This fact alone told the orc that it cannot look down on that human in the front.

Beldoom roared and called forth more of the battle-ready Orcs from inside the camp. Their camp in total has more than five hundred orcs out of which a hundred were Diulvian High Orcs Led by General Berimal, one hundred fifty high orcs and two hundred fifty plus ordinary orcs.

A lineup as grand as this was on par with a battalion. Even if the ones engaging them were the strongest humans that were in that town, they should at least be feeling some pressure against their numbers.

Beldoom would have also joined his army against these humans, however, he was on guard against that mysterious intruder who had sniped two of his fellows before.

"What should we do vice guild leader?" After taking oin the three heavily injured adventurers, the assassin who was one of Xadnros's close subordinates asked. At this point, they still had the option to retreat back to the town.

Xandros did not answer immediately, he looked at the wall of fire in the distance and made up his mind.

"Can you feel the mana fluctuations that are coming from inside the camp?".

The assassin when asked that, looked confused. They then tried to imitate Xandros and closed their eye and strengthened their senses. That was when they felt the powerful mana fluctuation coming from two huge sources sweep over the entire camp from the distance.

" This is…?" the assassin looked askance.

"That's right, that mysterious person is currently entangled in a battle with something, probably an orc. Since they are holding one of the orcs, probably their leader on their own, we should use this chance to clear the rest of the orcs" Xandros declared drawing his sword.

The rest of the guild members from the tyrant mountain guild and the other adventurers from the various guilds nodded their heads without objections.

As if it was practised hundreds or thousands of times, they got into formation and after allocating a minimum number of adventurers to guard the survivors, the rest of them with Xandros in the lead slowly proceeded to engage with the waves of orcs coming from the camp.

"This might be a tough battle, but it's not a one where we don't have a chance of victory so work your guts out and slay these damn orcs that dared to step into our city with me" Xandros declared opening the curtains for the battle.

Humans when given a common enemy, instantly discarded all of their reservations and previous enmity to fight the enemy together. The same was the case right now, apart from the ten members from the Tyrant mountain guild, the rest of the adventurers in this group were from other guilds who had their own agendas and schemes in mind for joining this expedition.

However, right now they had discarded all that to form a united front against their enemy.

"Hehe, so those humans are already here huh. I must report this to master" Alice who was watching everything from the rooftop of a makeshift house thanks to her [Hawk Eyes] skill, muttered at this moment.

She was also the mysterious assailant that killed two Diluvian high orcs who were aiming to take the life of Bastian and his group.

Since her orders were to watch the group of three humans that were stupid enough to barge in from the front and provide backup if necessary, she had been watching them all along.

But now that another group of humans were here and had taken in those three, she knew that her job here was done and thus she swiftly left the scene to report this to her master.

When Alice arrived near the centre of the camp where the prison was, she saw a mountain of bodies with blood and guts painting the ground red. Nevertheless, there was no pungent smell since all of it was dispersed by the ones that did all of this.

It seemed that Annette and Bianca, her two sisters did their job properly and did not allow a single orc to disturb the fight of their master. Alice spotted her sisters and quickly ran towards them.

"Oh? Alice, you are here? What happened to those three humans" Annette asked, Alice was tasked with watching over the humans, if she was here then it mean that...

"Un, those humans are safe. Another group of adventurers arrived at the camp, they are taking care of them. Ah right, I came here to report that to master. Where is master by the way?". the valkyrie asked blinking her eyes.

This place was completely destroyed and the topography altered, evidence of the fierce battle that occurred here. Despite that, the ones that were responsible for it, couldn't be seen anywhere.

Annette who had been watching over their master, pointed in the direction of the pond "Master lured that orc over there. He said that fighting it in a place with dead bodies lying all around, was far too foolish. We were waiting for you, since you are here, then let us go and witness master's battle".

Alice nodded and with that, the three of them hurried towards the place where the orc general was.

Not far away from the camp, was the pond where a colony of Tortacosta used to live once. However, they were all killed and eaten by the orcs. At some point, the pond was dyed red with their blood and their bodies floated on the surface of the water.

But at the present moment, that very pond was completely dried up leaving only a huge depression in the ground.

At the bottom of the what once used to be a pond, two figures could be seen. One was lying on the ground while the other remained standing.

The one on the ground was none other than the orc general whose body was so badly scorched that their inner muscles could be seen.

Simon on the other hand, had suffered damages all over his body with several of his bones broken. Nevertheless, he was still standing on the ground.

"haa… haa…" willing his legs forward, Simon slowly approached the body of the orc general. Although he had defeated Berimal, the latter was tenacious enough to still survive with the silver of their HP remaining.

Simon bent and picked his sword up. Because he didn't have enough MP remaining to use [Dominator's Control] he had to pick it up physically and drive it inside the body of the orc one last time to deal the finishing blow.


[You have levelled up]…

[You have levelled up]…

[You have levelled up]...

Killing the orc general gave enough experience to raise Simon's level directly to 418.

"It's finally down… huh" he sighed, the orc general was tenacious enough to endure all of his attacks. Especially its, [Appetite] skill that allowed it to restore its HP back by eating the corpses.

Simon felt like it was quite the cheat skill since whatever damage it had dealt to itself by using [Tantrum] and the numerous attacks that he had thrown at the orc, was all healed by consuming the corpses.

It was due to this reason that Simon had lured the orc general to the pond. Who knew that, the pond was already devastated by the orc army with corpses floating on the water?

To prevent the orc general from restoring its Hp back further, Simon had to resort to extreme measures by evaporating the entire pond with his Infernal magic. After that, it was just a battle of attrition between him and the orc general who had activated its [Berserk] skill.

Huff… [Elixir of Healing consumed].

Simon gulped the contents of the vial, sat on the ground and focused on healing his wounds. He did not have to worry about monsters attacking him since most of them were wiped out by the orc army.

"Master are you alright?" after a while, the Valkyrie sisters arrived at the scene and rushed to his side.

Seeing the genuine concern in their eyes, Simon nodded his head and asked "What about you all? What happened to the rest of the orc army?".

"About that, a new group of humans had arrived at the camp and is now dealing with the orc army. The one who seemed to be leading them, is around level 504. So I don't think master has anything to worry" Alice reported rubbing her nose.

Simon mused at those words of hers. Above level 500 there were hardly any adventurers in the tower town around that level. The only one that was, belonged to the Tyrant Mountain, the strongest guild that is currently tackling his dungeon.

If it is them, Simon had no reason to worry. He got back on his feet and along with Annette, Bianca and Alice, they swiftly disappeared into the depths of the forest.

Not long after Simon and his group disappeared from the pond, the skies above the pond, fluctuated a little and a figure appeared standing solely in the air. The person did not release any aura nor was there any fluctuation of mana that should come from using a skill.

It was as if there was an invisible foothold in the air upon which he was standing on.

"So he is the one that Venerable Red mentioned huh?!" the person said before his figure was covered by the clouds.

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