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💙Creating Manga Of One Piece In Pirates World Become My Ultimate Goal!💙


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((There're 18 chapters ahead of Webnovel!))


Syrup town;

The store goddess Banshina was nervous and confused the whole time while reading the new volume.

After all, her son's crisis with the crew still continues.

And it's not over yet.

Despite his participation in the event of freeing Robin and appearing with a strong spirit as a member of the crew.

However, the scene that just appeared in the manga where Zoro prevents Luffy and the rest from going to retrieve Usopp made her feel very sad.

Why did Zoro stand in the way of her son's return to the crew?

Aren't they friends who have gone through all kinds of adversities and adventures together?

That's what she couldn't understand as Usopp's mother... But from the point of view of pirates and men, Zoro was absolutely right.

There was not an iota of fault in what Zoro did.

And this is what the reactions of many people on the forums showed.

"Usopp must apologize, my dear. It's his duty to his captain."

Suddenly, two men with rifles on their waists emerged from the private section of the art store.

The person who spoke was wearing a headband and he had his name clearly written on it as if he was afraid that people wouldn't recognize him.

He was Yasopp!

After a month of fighting on the front lines, he finally got his first leave.

Banshina was very happy after seeing her husband back, whom she hadn't seen for nearly a month!

Soon, she hugged him passionately.

On the other hand, Benn Beckman was still in shock.

Experiencing teleportation through the art store for the first time was extremely shocking.

After all, only people who have been approved by Rob can navigate through the art shop's teleportation feature.

Benn Beckman was lucky enough to get Rob's approval just a month after joining him.

"Did we really transported to East Blue, Yasopp?"

Yasopp and Banshina stopped hugging each other and looked at the confused Beckman with smiles on their faces.

"Welcome into Syrup Town, Gecko Archipelago, mate."

"Is it... Benn Beckman, Right?!"

Beckman removed the cigarette from his mouth and began to introduce himself formally because he noticed that some people were starting to point at him excitedly. This is a sign that he has been identified again.

"I'm Benn Beckman, a former Pirate Hunter from North Blue. Now, I'm an A-Rank Hunter in the Hunter's Guild. Nice to meet you, Miss Banshina. I've heard so much about you."

"It's my honor too!"

Banshina also bowed to express her pleasure at meeting him.

"Dear, we only transported here because I wanted to take a look and meet you. We're going to Ohara."

"You haven't finished the volume yet, have you?"

"No, I haven't finished it yet. You see there are a lot of readers today who have come from different islands of the archipelago and the neighboring islands. That's why it was a lot of work as you know."


Sky Island, Shandia City (formerly the City of Gold);

Within Sky Island's second art store, many voices of loud laughter were heard in this place.

Most notable was the voice of Dr. Hiriluk's laughter.

"I'm a pirate as well!!! I fought like a brave man!!! I'm not satisfied with this amount, 50 Berry!!"


After reading this line that Chopper said, Dr. Hiriluk couldn't help but laugh. Even his tears fell.

Before that, he laughed so hard about Sanji too who feared would become a laughing stock for pretty ladies all over the world because of the drawn picture which supposed the picture of what he looked like.

"Oh… Is this the new ship?!"

"Oh Sun God! it looks like a great ship!"

"The front head is like the sun!"

"It is a symbol of freedom!"

Hiriluk overlooked the comments of the Shandians, who were reading the volume and they said just what came to their mind.

"No matter how I look at it, it looks like a lion to me!"

He didn't know that what they said was to the point.

That ship really symbolizes freedom.


Manga events:


Luffy and his crewmates have arrived at Shipwreck Island where their new ship is done built:

"Heeey!! We're here, Franky!!!"

"Give us the ship!!!"

Unfortunately, Franky wasn't here, but they found Iceburg instead:


"Ice Ossan!"

"Welcome... Unfortunately, Franky's not around. But the ship is ready."

"Allow me to show you the ship instead."

"This ship is amazing. I stood there astonished when I saw the blueprints. It will be able to cross any kind of sea."

With this ship, you can even go to the end of the world.

"Franky also left you a message, Strawhat:..."


Luffy was so excited after all.

"If you will be the Pirate King one day, then sail with the king of beasts!!!"



After a perverted storm caused by Franky's family who successfully steals Franky's pants and successfully deliver it to Luffy, the scene finally comes down to Luffy formally inviting Franky to the crew:


"Thank you so much for the ship!!!"

"It's the greatest. We'll take good care of it!!!"

After hearing this, Franky sighed.

"Yeah. I wish you all a safe journey with the ship."

Luffy shouted:

"If you want this back, then be our Nakama!!!!"


Fish-Man Island;

"Damn you guys!! I... I'm not crying!!! Woooaaah!!"

Arriving at this scene, Little Franky was so moved to tears.

In his life, he never thought that he would get such a wonderful Nakama and become one of the protagonists of the amazing One Piece story.

"What a wonderful ship."

"Franky… You really are a great disciple for me."

"This ship is much better than the Oro Jackson... Your future skill totally amazes me."

"You are now one of the protagonists of the One Piece manga!"

"This is very honorable!"

"You said it at the beginning, but I really didn't expect it to happen."

"You are the shipwright that Luffy has chosen!"














Chapter 356: Franky joins the crew!

Chapter 357: Usopp come back!

Chapter 358: Thousand Sunny!



New great fanfic from BlackStar_BH!

Title: King Of Beasts In Against The Gods!

(Available on Webnovel go and read the first chapters!)

Add it to your library. It is so good.

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