Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Chapter 706 Clandestine Glow

Skullius had found that Theurien was even more cheery than he had imagined. They got along very well because the man did not tactlessly impose himself regardless of context, like ordinary people of his status would. He eased Skullius into how he had run the Family before, and learned all the changes Skullius made, appreciating and complimenting him genuinely about them.

This had warmed Skullius' heart. For some reason, he had been meeting gems of people for the past two months.

His horrendous luck seemed to have strayed from its path of ruthless persistence. Seemingly.

Theurien was a sign of it.

While his character was affable though, other parts of him turned out to be completely different. Some would even say contrary.

When Theurien had asked Skullius to spar in order to gauge how strong he was, the latter had been flabbergasted how terribly powerful the fiery haired man was.

His hand to hand combat was vicious, yet refined, contending with his own at a frightening level. Whether or not Theurien held back with just his physical skill was something Skullius didn't know yet, but in terms of supernatural applications of mana, the Hybrid Luman had to admit that the man was a true monster.

In the weeks that came after his recovery, Theurien took the official reigns to the Family back from Skullius, which was no surprise, and Skullius hadn't been foolish enough to think he was now the Head. Neither did Silrat. They had no such delusions.

Following that, Theurien began training his body back to tip-top shape, and each time, he called Skullius, suggesting that it would do well for both of them to understand each other's strength since, at the end of day, Skullius was like a second Head to the Family.

The Hybrid Luman had no reason to refuse, and frankly, he didn't have the testicles for it either.

Thus, in the past three weeks, he divulged some of his abilities, while Theurien also exposed his own powers – his own application of the Bryne Family Technique which relied on the Harmonic Ember, the Twin Contrast Sword Technique.

Yes, indeed.

The original use of the technique revolved around swordsmanship, and it had remained as such until Theurien decided to deviate, different from Stylla.

The fiery haired man had been able to use the Harmonic Ember to perfectly combine fire, ice and space into what he called Clandestine Glow.

What was born was a blue flame that could vanish into the folds of space, hiding its extraordinarily potent and cruel effect until it emerged on the target secretly.

The flames froze the target into an ashy white popsicle while burning everything under their skin thoroughly within seconds.

It was a scary technique, and Skullius would know.

Oh, he would know.

It wasn't common in the current timeline for Brynes to be able to combine three elements, but that was what made Theurien special.

What was even more astonishing was that Theurien had chosen a Shaman Class!

It went well with his application of the Contrast Technique, making him even more powerful... above the fact that he, like Combat Mages, Class Branched into Swordsmanship and physical combat techniques.

"What a powerful man!" Skullius had been left saying after the first day he engaged with Theurien for real.

Now, as he felt the same effect of Clandestine Glow softly rage around Theurien, he couldn't help but feel proud to be close to this man.

Though... right now, it was likely not the best of times to smile and act carefree.

"You're here," Theurien said, his words directed at Alaris.

"Of course I am," Alaris replied while taking steps closer to Theurien. "I heard you were meditating again, so I took young Festos here for a light spar."

Skullius' brow shot up.

'LIGHT?!' he screamed inside.

"I've been worried about how you would be holding up. Don't think I'm... we, are oblivious to it. Your face leaks sorrow very easily, even if you put on the widest smile," Alaris continued.

As it turned out, Alaris and Theurien were acquainted.

They didn't have the same level of friendship that Ryte had with Theurien, but it was close enough.

Alaris, on hearing news of Theurien's awakening had visited the Bryne Estate with haste. He had even stayed for a few days to keep Theurien company.

The fiery haired man had decided shortly after that it was best for the whole Family to move back to the Estate, since most of them did not have any business in Genhuis City.

The Association examination officer had spent his time with Theurien on plenty of occasions, looking to want to build a stronger relationship with him. Apparently, they had had a half-savoury, half-sweet history that Skullius didn't feel comfortable asking about, courtesy of Silrat Veins. From the looks of it though, it was unlike the one involving Jadin and Somwell.

That was a darn good thing, after all, Alaris seemed sincere and his worries were perfectly warranted. It would be good if he stood by Theurien's side as a familiar face since Theurien still had the burden of two missing children haunting him.

That was why Skullius was reluctant to bring a cheer 'hello' to the table right now.

Theurien rose from the floor and breathed out a sigh, the flakes of snow, fire and Clandestine Glow vanishing from his person.

"Can a father not brood in peace?" he said to Alaris.

"In my experience, it's ambiverts like you who start to slip when alone. Now, as I said last time, we are both doing our best to find your children. You are using your own means, I'm using mine. The result has yet to turn up. So quit thinking about the worst and save the brooding for when you, your daughter and son are having a hurtful heart to heart."

Theurien shook his head and wiped his face with his palm.

"If only it was that simple of a switch."

At that moment, there was a knock on the door, then another in rapid succession.

Before the trio knew it, a short girl with ash blonde pigtails bounced into the room and rushed to hug her father's leg.

Theurien stripped his wry face away and wore a bright one that showed no traces of anxiety or sadness.

"Hey there little mouse!" he said as he heaved Terese who smiled brightly. "How did you know I was done?"

"I heard voices," the little girl replied. "You never talk when you're meditating, so I thought you must be done."

Theurien chuckled.

"Clever girl. Or should I say, clever, naughty girl," the fiery haired man said as he placed his youngest daughter over his shoulders.

Skullius gave a subdued smile.

If there was one person to react quite violently to Theurien's waking up, it had to be Terese.

The little girl had shaken uncontrollably as if having a seizure when she Theurien walking about. It had taken hours before anyone could pry her off him, as she feared this was a dream, and her father would drift back to unconscious on that loathsome bed.

Unfortunately, news that Stylla and Setkh went missing dampened her cheer by a bit.

She had expected to at least see them at the Venue for the Premium Age Royale, but shockingly, they were nowhere to be found.

So, when Skullius saw Terese being all clingy, following her father everywhere, he felt a hint pity. Worse yet, for a brief moment, he saw his past self and former bony mates in her behaviour.

Sorrow and loneliness.

Or was it just a feeling of longing.

Who knew?

Theurien and Terese left the room, and Alaris followed, telling Skullius that he still had things to discuss with the Bryne Family Head.

When left alone, Skullius sighed and walked outside the room and the mansion.

Before long, he found just who he was looking for.

Red Rage was floating high above, close to the peak of the inner Chieftain Screen dome.

He had his arms spread out wide, a halo created around him from the reflection of the sun that made his armour look twice as luminous, as if it was being supercharged by the solar energy.

Skullius scowled.

This again.

It was getting more and more frequent.

'Did he level up that skill or something?' Skullius wondered.

In any case...

The Hybrid Luman sent his Apostle a mental message to come down.

It was that depressing time again.

Time to keep his end of the deal.

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