Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Chapter 603 A Plan For Vengeance

Next day.

Oldd Family Residence.

"I have him just where I want him!" Kurtish said with nasty guffaw.

He sat within his luxurious bathtub full of sweet scented foam erupting from his bathing soap. He gazed at the letter he had just received from his steward with a grin.

The news was too good!

He sat up and whipped back his wet chocolate brown hair and wiped the bits of foam settling over his anchor shaped beard and re-read the letter again.

"The hearing is finally happening! She will be the representative from the Capital Service that will be there to mediate as well! This couldn't have been any better!" Kurtish excitedly wiggled his knees, splashing a bit of water on his steward who looked a bit concerned.

"Master Kurtish... to my understanding, she is an Honoured level Capital Service representative... Despite the strings you pulled to have that much authority present at the hearing... is it worth it? Even if you are successful in this conflict, the Capital Service's view of you may... lessen considerably," the steward voiced.

"Lessen? Because my demands look and sound petty? Let them think that way!" Kurtish hissed. "That idiot humiliated me in my first match. Do you know how much misery this caused Aliyah? She not only watched me get my arm sliced off but she had to suffer through the gossip about me winning that match because my 'formidable' opponent surrendered! Do you know how pathetic that makes me look?"

The steward wore a grim face.

His master had fought an unknown contender during his first match within the Royale a few days ago.

As always, Kurtish had tried to use this man as a stepping stone and sacrifice for his own good, displaying his romantic feelings for his fiancé, Aliyah, by dedicating a swift win to her.

This would have been an incredible display of love... if that was how it had played out but this unknown contender had not only thwarted Kurtish's first plan. He had even survived an attack meant to kill from the Wardlock, managing to lop off his arm and ear in the process.

It was only after Kurtish proved to have better equipment that blended well with his barrier techniques, him being clear winner if the battle had devolved into an attrition war, that his opponent, who went by the name Festos, had surrendered.

This left Kurtish with a pretty unsatisfactory win.

For that, he just had to get revenge.

"Look. I still stand to benefit from this. The people and Family I am supporting will view me favourably. I am advocating for a fitting punishment. The bastard destroyed not only a long standing tourist sight but a town that made its fair share of income from housing tourists who came to see the Creeping Chill. He destroyed shelters and livelihoods!" Kurtish said.

"That is indeed true..." the steward said with a nod.

He understood his master's point and to be fair, he seemed to have everything well thought out.

A few days ago, Kurtish had him investigate Festos and his affiliations. Once he found that he was an exclusive mercenary, Kurtish used his connections to draw everything about Festos.

Since he was a rank 4 mercenary, his status was not that well protected from outside forces and with a bit of pushing, he had found out everything!

When he registered, his evaluation, the number of completed missions he had and so on.

Among all these details were the complaints from the residents of the town over the Creeping Chill that were yet to be tended to.

This was the dirt he needed.

A cry that needed to be answered.

Even though there were no casualties, since the people had been evacuated before the Cluster nesting on the Creeping Chill's icy side released the Cluster beasts it bore, Festos still had a lot to answer for.

"This is a solid plan, Master but are you sure the Association will not stand for him? He is an exclusive mercenary, after all. I doubt even the Capital Service will be willing to have a prolonged fight over this if a Supervising Overseer or higher supported Festos," the steward voiced his concern.

"You and I both studied his files and information. He has no connections within the Association save for his lowly scout and a few favourable interactions with some nameless evaluation officers. He is ours!" Kurtish said with a grin.

"First, I'll have his position in the Association revoked. Then, if I want to, I can chain the damages he caused to be compensated using the Bryne Family's wallet. Hahaha! I can't imagine that girl and her brother running the Family can fork out hundreds of Plasma coins to rebuild an entire town in their current state!"

Kurtish's ambition made him look maniacal.

He could see Aliyah smiling as his reputation soared from helping victims of vile mercenaries exercising their unrefined mannerisms on the population's resources!

That's right!

Mercenaries were uncouth savages!

This Festos disgraced Families just by having a hand in each of the two.

He must pay for it and so must the Bryne Family that signed him into their fold!

The steward nodded.

This was probably going to work if the motivations and case were stated clearly.

"The Capital Service is constantly at odds with the Association so you will definitely have the upper hand here, Master," the steward said.

"Of course! Ahahaha," Kurtish said before realised something. "Grab a parchment, will you?"

"Right away, Master Kurtish!"

A few minutes later, the steward returned with a parchment, a pen and some ink.

"Write this down," Kurtish said, prompting the steward to scribble down.

-n0ve1、com "Dear Aliyah, the few days we have been apart have been immensely crippling. Since you return from your trip tomorrow, I would like to invite you to a righteous hearing where I will be defending hundreds of townspeople from a menace who exploited his power, destroying their home. Please honour me with your presence..."

Kurtish smiled as his steward wrote down.

Even though Aliyah lived here with him, she loved these formal invitations so much and he obliged to her desires.

'This is going to be very satisfying.'

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