Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Chapter 331 Take Down The Galemonger! (3)

Outside Inhone City.

A massive sea of sand stood between Inhone City’s entrance and a literally flood of Bulk Terrors that rushed with a genuine craze and desire to tear apart everything within the city!

,ᴄᴏm The sand swirled at the centre like a whirlpool, tens of Terrors being captured as they failed to escape from this sinking trap!

These Terrors were being stormed by attacks from mercenaries that stood atop the wall to the city, using long range attacks of different kinds!

Joining in on the sand would be suicide for these people as they all recognised that the tide of Terrors was being kept out by Tulnas’ efforts and thus he wouldn’t be bothered to save them if they rushed in to engage with the enemy over his sand!

The horde of creatures that successfully raced with their overwhelming strength through the thick sands were faced with a large sand bear that swatted them down into the sand sea to inhibit their crossing over to the other side, limiting the number that even reached the whirlpool!

As if all this wasn’t enough, up above, a sea of water could be seen, covering just as much of an area as the sea of sand!

A massive elephant could be see floating upside down under this sea as its luminous eyes gazed menacingly at the many enemies!

Thousands of sharpened and mana-saturated ice shards would streak from the sea, storming towards the tentacled bastards, aiming for their vitals and for specific spots were Tulnas instructed.

All this said, one would wonder where the Tamer was in all this.

The answer?

He was headed into the thick of approaching Bulk Terrors after much of them had been disoriented by the rain of attacks!

The man donned a full set of heavy sand armour in a berserker style, making him look twice as big as he actually was.

In both hands, Tulnas wielded two large swords made of hard, clear ice with razor sharp edges to maximise their slashing damage!

With the weight of both these weapons in addition to the armour, it would be difficult for Tulnas in his base state to maintain his attack and movement speed.

Thus, the additional strength was supplemented by his dear friend, the Grinning Jester Fox which he affectionately named Ergin against its will.

The Tamer darted over towards his enemies with immense speed, condensed mana wrapping around his weapons in order to strengthen them as they clashed against dozens of tentacles and slashed against thick layers of flesh that resisted amateur cutting techniques!

His movements were incredible and massively more destructive as with his mind sending instruction to Bradd and Alphat to launch specific attacks that would create openings for him, he made quick work of most of the enemies.

His battle prowess at this moment was vastly different from what he showed during the expedition to solve the issue Cluster situation because back then, he had been fully expecting to use his False Territory, and thus had limited his tamed beasts’ activity to save their energy.

Without such a worry at this moment as he knew Terian and Unbreakable were in the city, he went all out to commit to his role now.

Unfortunately, there was only so much he could do about the Bulk Terrors that had invaded before Bradd could erect a large enough sand sea but still… he had held his ground quite well.

Tulnas turned his head as he drew back, feeling and hearing rumbles back in the city as well as…. a familiar energy.


His eyes as he looked back saw two figures who flashed over the sand, moving with super light steps as they reached his position in a few seconds.


“Guild Master… You need some help?”

Tulnas grinned behind the armour.

“Natalika, Renia…” the Tamer smirked at the two who instantly prepared for battle.

Unfortunately, he didn’t have much time to indulge them in pleasantries as the flood of enemies once again stormed towards them.

“Not the celebration I had in mind, but it’ll do…” Tulnas said as he stormed ahead, but a small portion of his mind kept pondering over that familiar energy signature he had felt from within the city.

Was it anything significant?


As the purple eyes emerged behind the Galemonger, everyone involved felt greatly unsettled as the energy it released was extremely thick, almost causing Unbreakable and Terian to collapse as they momentarily lost feeling in their knees!

Terian immediately recognised this from Tulnas’ report.

The purple eye!

Primus energy!

Skullius was even more rattled by this because unlike Terian, he had a definitive reference point from back then and could tell that this was vastly different from the Primus that was released by the Devouring Lantern Alpha Wolf or the Ghouls or carp!

This was on a whole other level!

‘Right! The guidance field said it was Empowered! I was so surprised by its stats that I overlooked it! It’s just like the others! It will probably get stronger now!’ Skullius thought as he backed away even further.

The flames that had engulfed MaelStorm’s head died down and mana poured from the Galemonger as it seemed to prepare to use some high level application of its wind!

The Galemonger’s eyes flashed with a dangerous light as it stretched out its hands, a thick dome of gusty winds suddenly appearing around it, Terian and Unbreakable!

The dome covered a vast distance as it went to even catch Skullius within it before the Penetrator could react!


“Damn it!” Skullius cursed.

On the other side, Unbreakable sensed the intricacies of this dome that he was in and as he looked at the Galemonger to see it looking particularly pleased, he knew that this was going to be different!

This was dangerous!

This could even be troublesome for him!

And if it was dangerous for him then…

He looked to Terian before he darted towards the old man but the thick winds seemed to battle against his agility, slowing him down severely!

He wasn’t sure the old man’s simplistic Genuine Incarnation could handle this attack that, if he was not mistaken, steadily trudged over the shore of the Super, from the mere Special application of mana!


Something at the level of a Super skill!

He wasn’t sure what this thing planned to do exactly but…

As he raced forward, the Penetrator behind them all fumbled over many of his thoughts as he felt the impending doom!

‘Damn it! I was too relaxed! I didn’t see this coming…!’ he thought as he panicked but quickly tried to compose himself.

This was it!

It seemed it was now or never.

The ‘perfect’ moment to strike he thought he would get seemingly didn’t exist here and he had to make his move now!

Gambling on a not-guaranteed way to escape death. This wasn’t new to Skullius however as all he could do was try.

His socket flames flared.

He grabbed onto the confidence he still felt brimming within him in this trying situation where someone like him shouldn’t even be!

Therefore, in typical star-of-the-play fashion, Skullius said a line that was both typical and atypical at the same time.

One that he spoke while his non-existent heart beat like a drum, the tension getting to him even as he tried to muster his confidence for a cool facade.

“I didn’t think I’d have to use this so soon…” he said as he linked his mind somewhere.

Milliseconds later…


A sound akin to a bunch of electronic noises mashed together sounded as the dome of gusty winds brightened up with immense levels of mana bellowing over with a bright flash of light illuminating the area!

No explosion cascaded, blowing everything up as the only thing that was meant to occur next was the TOTAL erasure of all things caught up in the dome of wind!

Wind, dust, flesh, bone and even mana itself!

The only decorum for the skill activation were the sparks of lightning that resulted from the collision of highly condensed and rapidly moving wind!

In the next moment, the dome of wind vanished as if it had never existed before.

Over the ground it had appeared, a crater in the exact same shape appeared!

The ground had been eaten up instantly!

What was revealed to be left was the figure of the Galemonger which showed immense joy through its crescent shaped eyes as it dropped to the bottom of the crater, the ground it had stood on having been erased.

The other… was the figure of Terian, the radiant figure of the Hawk of Conflagration above him being reduce to nothing but a violently torn distorted neon light while he… was left as a bloody body with more than half of his flesh missing from his body!

It was unsightly!

It was grotesque!

It had all happened so fast that perhaps, he hadn’t even managed to make a sound yet!

A covering of condensed mana remained over this pitiful figure, showing what had been Unbreakable’s attempt to save the old man!

The dark haired man himself was also dropping to the bottom of the perfectly carved crater underneath, his state being much better… as only a few bloody bruises could be seen over his body!


Something had finally damaged him!

It took this much power to simply cause bruises over his body!

The Galemonger was pleased that it was finally making progress with this seemingly undamageable bastard but its glee ceased when it saw a third figure… who was unscathed altogether!


Unbreakable who had been devastated at seeing Terian’s state turned behind him, feeling the outrageous fluctuations of mana that seemed endless – as if they didn’t have an end at all!

Or was it because it was just a vastly concentrated pool of power that gave the illusion of being endless?!

Regardless of what it was, a guidance field notification was showing in the vision of this figure at this very moment, detailing who and what he was.

[Congratulations! You have forged your first ‘Bringer of All’ by assimilating with the Apostle ‘…’ and using the skill ‘Mana Force’ as a base!]

[A wrathful being with immense power and countless possibilities for growth has been born]

[Variant and combinations saved]

[You are… Ogwulf the Limitless]

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