Blacksmith of the Apocalypse

Chapter 919. News from the Holy Land

“Catch,” the Tower Master called out and the buff man he called out to, caught a brown shield aiming for his head. Bement and the rest of Jonah’s team had just returned from the Abyss, where they had been busy helping the rest of their members and some others, like Seth’s other vassal the Oni General, to reach lv.100. This was why he wanted to hurry, so it would be ready when the team got back.

The front of the smooth shield had a complicated pattern of foreign runes. Bement couldn’t read them, but they were in a pattern that looked like the face of a lion. Seth had etched them like this into Azzo’s soul and the etchings had somehow surfaced like tattoos on the final shield.

Seth didn’t quite know how that happened, but his guess had to do with Alison’s Alchemy skill improving. It was most likely the effect of a better acid which led to the power in the soul to bleed through a little. It was only visual and didn’t add any effects, unfortunately.

“Is this...for me?” Bement asked as he stared at the shield in his hands.

“You have been waiting long enough for your own legendary item. I hope you get along with Azzo.”

~I’m sure we can get along. I like buff guys. ~ Azzo exclaimed telepathically.

“What was that Voice?” the veteran adventurer asked a little shocked.

“Your new shield. It’s an ego item. Her name is Azzo,”

Bement’s eyes widened as he looked at the shield in his hands in wonder. They were shining like those of a little boy who just got the toy he had been wishing for, for a whole year, or maybe a whole life?

“Nice to meet you, Azzo, I hope we will be getting along from now on,”

~Yes, let's do that. ~ the demoness said, seemingly satisfied with her new partner.

“Jonah, it’s good that you are back. How was it?” Seth asked the Vampiric Swordsman once he separated from his woman, the researcher they had picked up in Beta. The beautiful mask looked his way as Jonah turned around.

To Seth’s surprise the “Gamma Resistance” was the biggest faction currently recruiting. They were the organization founded by two chosen formerly from Gamma, who wished to gather forces and rescue their fellow people, still stuck under the rule of the undead. They were the same people behind the protests against the ambassadors from Arget Nore.

It seemed like they were quite skilled in accumulating and training members in the Holy Land, being even more numerous than the various churches that had popped up during the Berserker Pellet incidents.

Apart from the religious followers, there were quite a few private guilds, founded around freshly chosen champions and backed by rich people. Although the credits of Urth had quickly lost their meaning, in the face of the system gold and its various uses, but one should not underestimate the rich.

They always had their way to stay in power, one way or the other. Despite suffering a lot of damage, there were many that had thrived in these troubled times using the head start their original wealth gave them, to collect new riches. Even the current climate in Delta couldn’t harm them too much.

Their only setback was the initial expedition to the Holy Land, where the guilds of Delta lost most of their people. Afterward, they had to reform and took the Boulder Guild as an example to center their guild around chosen ones. This loss was the only reason, they were still a smaller faction than the various religions.

Neither of these groups was averse to using force to get what they wanted or force people to join them. With their own goals and obsessions, every one of them turned the place into a dog-eat-dog world.

“But you didn’t face any problems, right?” Seth asked, hearing how chaotic the place had become. From Jonah’s description, he could imagine the struggle people would face to survive and thrive in that place. If the city was already like this, he couldn’t imagine that the land outside, fraught with monsters and dangers, would be any better. It was probably worse.

“We came across some bandits, but they quickly lost their heads,” the swordsman said, not as a figure of speech. They had shown no mercy to such people. They could only blame themselves for being unable to assess their victim’s power. “It was nothing big.”

“I see,” Seth mumbled nodding.

Currently, the dungeon city seemed almost like a meat grinder, a place sometimes described in novels. Not a good place, but one of danger, tragedy, but also opportunity. It was not his place to interfere, so he could only hope it would improve as the Adventurer guild proceeded to build the city.

“Oh, yeah! Now that we talked about it, we were approached by a messenger from the Gamma Resistance. They gave me a letter for you.”

After saying so, Jonah pulled a small envelope from his inventory and handed it to Seth, who took it slightly puzzled. What would those guys want from him? With this question in mind, he checked the letter with <Theia’s Discerning Eyes> to make sure it was safe, before opening and reading it.

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