Almighty Sword Domain

Chapter 2487 – We Should be Reasonable!

Chapter 2487 – We Should be Reasonable!


A huge sword was floating in the distant sky, and it was the same sword in his possession. Of course, it was a fake made from unknown metal as he had the real one!

Meanwhile, Sword Scroll suddenly said, “Executor once resided in this sect. However, it was during an era before me. The ancient times. So, it’s not strange!”

Yang Ye frowned slightly, “Executor was here?”

She replied, “Yes. However, I don’t know the specifics because it was two eras before me!”

Yang Ye wanted to ask more, but Gu Xiu suddenly said, “We’re here!”

They’d arrived!

Yang Ye restrained his thoughts and looked into the distance. A towering peak stood there, and behind it was an endless mountain range. Atop the mountain range was a grand palace.

People were frequently flying through the sky on their swords there.

Besides that, the entire mountain emanated a wave of powerful sword intent!

It wasn’t ordinary!

That was Yang Ye’s first impression!

Gu Xiu led them to the mountain, and many divine senses swept them during this time.

A formation!

It was a type of formation used to see through a person’s cultivation and age so that others couldn’t sneak into the Ancient Sword Sect.

Something worth mentioning was that it had been built by Sword Scroll. So, Yang Ye was able to get through smoothly.

Gu Xiu brought them to a smaller mountain, the Outer Court Peak.

The Ancient Sword Sect was divided into the Outer Court, Inner Court, and Elites.

The Outer Court usually represented cultivators between the True Dao Realm and World Lord Realm, and the Inner Court was for those at the One to Three World Realms. As for Elites, only those at the Four World Realm could become Elite Disciples, and they were equivalent to Core Disciples.

They were core figures of the sect. Of course, they weren’t really at its core. The true core of the sect were its experts at the Five World Realm and above!

Gu Xiu led them to the Outer Court Peak before leaving. They had to report in.

Mo Yu looked up into the depths of the distant sky and a confident smile curled up on his face, “I, Mo Yu, will definitely become an Elite Disciple!”

He immediately vanished on his sword.

Yue Qingwu suddenly said, “He’s very confident!”

Yang Ye shrugged, “That’s a good thing, isn’t it?”

She smiled, “What about you? Do you want to be one?”

Yang Ye thought for a moment and said, “I may be interested if it’s the position of Sect Master!”

She was stunned by this. Meanwhile, Yang Ye had walked off.

She shook her head and smiled, “That is what they consider a daydream, huh?”

She went after Yang Ye.

At the place to report their arrival, Yang Ye and Yue Qingwu obtained a command token once they were done. It was the command token for Outer Court Disciples. According to Yue Qingwu, they were disciples of the Ancient Sword Sect now. So, if they encountered enemies outside the sect in the future, they could use this identity, and the people outside would usually give them some face. Thus, it was no different than a life-saving talisman!

However, as far as Yang Ye was concerned, it may also be a talisman that brought death. At many times, using such an identity could instill fear in others, but if one encountered someone ruthless, that person may just decide to kill you just to keep you quiet instead!

Once they became disciples of the sect, they were qualified to attend classes here. They were classes by elders at the Five World Realm, and they were about knowledge in the Sword Dao. However, they were only held once a month.

Their luck wasn’t bad as it just happened to be the day of the class.

At the Lecture Platform.

An old man sat cross-legged on a circular platform, and there were a few dozen stone stairs below it, and below the stairs were no less than 100 meditation cushions.

It was practically full when Yang Ye and Yue Qingwu arrived. Fortunately, there were some empty spots.

However, the spot was a little special. Because it was right at the front, and there were three open cushions!

Since there was no one there, Yang Ye led Yue Qingwu over there, and it didn’t take long for countless people here to gaze at them.

Yang Ye and Yue Qingwu exchanged glances. Obviously, they’d sensed that something was off. However, wouldn’t it be embarrassing to leave now? So, Yang Ye just went forward!

Meanwhile, Mo Yu’s voice resounded in both Yang Ye and Yue Qingwu’s heads, “I’ll give you a friendly reminder, it belongs to Lu Yunxian, so it’s best if you don’t’ sit there.”

Lu Yunxian?

Yang Ye shook his head and asked, “Sword Scroll, do you know who that is?”

Sword Scroll rolled her eyes at Yang Ye from within the pagoda, “Can you not make me doubt your intelligence? When was I here? Besides a few old geezers in the sect, do you think I would know anyone else here? Not to mention an Outer Court Disciple!”

Yang Ye smiled embarrassedly, and then he hesitated for a moment and gazed at Yue Qingwu, “Are you going to sit here?”

She hesitated for a moment and shook her head.

So many people hadn’t sat there. Obviously, Lu Yunxian was extraordinary! She didn’t want to get in trouble, nor did she want to break a taboo!

Yang Ye shook his head and smiled, “The Sword Dao is boundless, and how many difficulties are there on that path? If a person’s name can make you stop, how will you ever continue forward?”

Yang Ye walked over as he spoke.

As far as he was concerned, it was just a seat, and it didn’t matter if he used it or not. However, he felt that Yue Qingwu wasn’t bad. Since they’d met and fate had brought them together, he’d reminded her of that. Of course, whether she understood was her own problem.

Just like that, Yang Ye sat at the center seat of the three!

Meanwhile, Yue Qingwu was stunned for a while. She seemed to have thought of something, causing her to become slightly excited and overjoyed, but it didn’t take long for her to calm down. Because she’d thought of many things, like the consequences and trouble that would come. A long time passed before she shot a complicated glance at Yang Ye.

She didn’t follow him!

Yang Ye sighed softly in his heart but didn’t say anything.

It was normal to have such concerns.

The Sword Dao was like the future that everyone in the mortal world talked about. Why did many people live mediocre lives? Because they were afraid and didn’t dare to risk it all. They thought of failure before they even tried something. They considered their way out before they even took the first step!


At most times, they rejected their own chances before something even began!

As far as Yang Ye was concerned, if someone refused to try, only a life of mediocrity awaited; but if someone tried, even failure was better than not trying! So long as one was alive, one always had a chance! But if one feared failure and was fearful in everything, what was the point of doing anything?

Just like this very moment. Yue Qingwu didn’t dare to step forward because she feared Lu Yunxian. Since others didn’t dare to do it, why should she? But she had never thought about why she had to fear him? Even if she was beaten up and tortured for it, so long as she remained alive, she could work hard to grow stronger and take revenge! After all, they were all geniuses!

Sword Scroll sighed softly in the Primordial Pagoda. As someone who’d lived as long as her, she’d seen all sorts of geniuses, but she rarely saw one with Yang Ye’s mentality. It could be said that Yang Ye’s natural talent was absolutely inferior when compared to An Nanjing, but there was something he had which wasn’t inferior to her, and it was his will and mentality. His mentality to never accept defeat or fear it.

Just as Yang Ye had said in the past, he’d lost, suffered, and almost died. He’d cried too. But, he had never cowered!

At this moment, Yang Ye was clearly the center of attention.

The Five World Realm expert glanced at Yang Ye and continued with his lass.

Yang Ye listened seriously. Needless to say, the old man’s class was very good, and he’d gained something from it. A long time later, the old man stopped and gazed at them, “Three questions. Raise your hands!”

Countless raised their hands!

The old man glanced at a young man with a mole by the side of his mouth. Because the young man had been very focused on the class and was frequently in deep thought.

The young man hurriedly stood up when he saw the old man’s gaze fall on him. He bowed and said, “Elder Xin, I learned a sword technique, the same one as Senior Brother Lu Yunxian. But why is mine much weaker than his?”

The old man glanced at the young man and asked, “How many times have you cultivated it?”

The young man thought for a moment and replied, “A month, 100 times per day.”

The old man replied, “Go back and train 3,000 times per day. Persist for six months, then try again!”

He gazed at the others, “Continue!”

It didn’t take long for the old man to answer two more questions. Right when they thought Elder Xin would be leaving, he gazed at Yang Ye, “That seat belongs exclusively to a disciple called Lu Yunxian. It’s empty on both sides because no one dares to sit by his side. Did you know that?”

Yang Ye was slightly stunned. He hadn’t expected the old man to suddenly speak to him, and so he replied with a question, “So what?”

Elder Xin said, “Lu Yunxian is at the Limitbreaker Realm, and he’s becoming an Inner Court Disciple very soon. While he’s only at the One World Realm, he can defeat Two World Realm experts.”

Yang Ye thought for a moment and asked, “Senior, did the Ancient Sword Sect give these three seats to him?”

The old man shook his head.

Yang Ye smiled, “See? Since they don’t really belong to him, why can’t I use them? We should be reasonable people, right?”

“Reason?” The old man had a spurious smile on his face, “You like to reason with people?”

Yang Ye nodded and replied seriously, “I’ve always believed that communication and reasoning with others is the only way to resolve conflict!”

Sword Scroll shook her head in the pagoda. The way Yang Ye reasoned with people was a little special, and most people were unaware of that!

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