Chapter 2101: 434: the results of the paternity test are out! 1

Translator: 549690339

“This time, Cen Haifeng suddenly requested to bring back all his relatives on Earth, and his attitude was firm. ”

Even Duanmu Fengfei might not be able to stop him.

“Did you visit your Aunt Yesterday?”Duanmu fengyu continued to ask.

“I did.”Mrs. Duanmu nodded. “But your uncle hasn’t come back yet.”

“Duanmu fengyu frowned slightly and asked, “Isn’t there anything I Can Do?” ”

Mrs. Duanmu didn’t say anything.

“Duanmu fengyu continued, “I heard that uncle’s first wife on Earth is still alive. If he really brought that family over, what would she become? A concubine?” Duanmu Fengyu had nowhere to go. It was one thing that he didn’t have a child by his side, but now he wanted to have a first wife. wasn’t he deliberately making Duanmu Fengyu lose face? ”

“Duanmu Fengfei had followed Cen Haifeng for so many years. She had been his good wife, but in the end, she had become someone else’s bride. ”

“Duanmu Fengfei couldn’t stand this. If it were any other woman, she wouldn’t be able to stand it. ”

“Just like Duanmu Fengfei and the mistress on Earth, she couldn’t accept the fact that she was the heiress of the Duanmu family and the future wife of the Chief Alliance. However, she had to endure the fact that the person next to her had a child with another person. In the future.., she had to take care of someone else’s child? ”


This was unfair!

“”Concubine?”Upon hearing this, Mrs. Duanmu’s face was filled with anger, “If we’re talking about concubines, the person who should be a concubine should be that woman! The daughter of our Duanmu family was born to be the noblest person. She will never be a concubine!” ”

“After all, the first person to have an engagement with Cen Haifeng was Duanmu Fengfei. ”

Duanmu Fengfei had been the most honorable fiancée of the General Alliance ever since she was born.

What was that woman on Earth?

“Duanmu fengyu glanced at Mrs. Duanmu and asked, “Is it useful for you to say that?” ”

Mrs. Duanmu frowned.

“At this moment, a servant came in from outside. “Madam.” ”

“What’s Wrong?”Mrs. Duanmu asked

“The servant continued, “The General Alliance mansion called and asked for you to come over.” ”

“Apart from Duanmu Huang Fei, no one from the headquarters would contact Mrs. Duanmu. ”

“Upon hearing this, Mrs. Duanmu immediately said, “Okay, I’ll go over right away.” ”

“”Mom, I’ll go with you.”Duanmu Feng and Mrs. Duanmu held her hand. ”

“Okay.”Mrs. Duanmu nodded.

The mother and daughter sat on the aircraft and flew toward the headquarters.

“About ten minutes later, the aircraft arrived at the headquarters. ”

Duanmu Feng and Mrs. Duanmu held each other’s arms as the two of them got off the aircraft.

“A Butler was arranged to receive them at the entrance of the headquarters. When he saw the mother and daughter alighting from the aircraft, he immediately went up to them. “Mrs. Duanmu, eldest miss, you’re here. Madam has been waiting inside for a long time.” ”

“Mrs. Duanmu glanced at her and continued, “How is Sister’s Mood Now?” ”

The Butler shook his head and didn’t say anything.

“As servants, they weren’t qualified to comment on their master’s matters. ”

“Seeing the butler like this, Mrs. Duanmu felt confident. ”

“After walking for another five or six minutes, they finally arrived at the living room. ”

Duanmu Fengfei stood there.

Duanmu Fengyu immediately ran over. “Aunt!”

“When she saw Duanmu Fengyu, Duanmu Fengyu was also very surprised. She smiled and said, “Fengyu!” ”


The aunt and nephew hugged each other.

“Mrs. Duanmu stood at the side and watched this warm scene. She thought of how Duanmu Fengfei had worked hard for Cen Haifeng all his life, but in the end, he didn’t even have a child that belonged to him. She couldn’t help but feel a little sad. ”

“With the good genes of the DUANMU and CEN families, Duanmu Feng and the child he gave birth to must be very outstanding. ”

What a pity.

“Thinking of this, Mrs. Duanmu sighed softly in her heart. ”

“A moment later, the aunt and niece let go of each other. ”

“Duanmu fengfei smiled and said, “Fengyu, you haven’t been here for a long time, right? Why are you free today?” ”

“”I’m here to visit aunt.”Duanmu fengyu held Duanmu Fengfei’s hand tightly. “Aunt, I haven’t seen you for a long time. I’ve missed you to death!” ”

“Duanmu Feng’s face was full of smiles as well. “It just so happens that I’ve recently obtained two pieces of jewelry that are suitable for young ladies like you to wear. It saves me the trouble of having someone send them over.”Duanmu Feng was 42 years old this year, and she took good care of herself, she looked like she was only in her thirties. As she did not have a son or daughter, she had always treated Duanmu Feng and her as her own daughter. ”

“In particular, Duanmu Feng and her daughter-in-law would become her daughter-in-law in the future. ”

“Hearing this, duanmu feng immediately said, “Aunt, you are not old at all. If you stand with me, people will think that we are sisters.” ”

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