“Chapter 2083: 432: The Secret has been revealed, Cen Haifeng is still alive! 3”

Translator: 549690339

A few children at the side were attracted by Yi Ling who was flying beside Ye Zao.

“Oh my God! This little thing is too cute! What kind of duck is this?”

“”So cute, so cute!” ”

“Is it a little bird?”

“Ye Zao smiled and explained, “This is the latest robot.” ”

“Yi ling very cooperatively said, “Hello Everyone, I am the 17th generation robot in the galaxy. My Name Is Yi Ling. It’s a pleasure to meet all of you!” ”

“Duan Duan was about to jump up and excitedly said, “Aunt, aunt! Yi Ling is really too cute. Can I touch it?” ”

Yi Ling immediately flew in front of Duan Duan. “Of course you can!”

“I want to touch it too!”

“Me Too!”

“And me!”

“Seeing everyone like this, Duan Duan said with some dissatisfaction, “Aunt, look at them all learning from me. When I don’t touch Yi Ling, they don’t touch it. But when I touch it, they all come! I really hate them to death!” ”

“Yi Ling continued, “We’re all good brothers. Don’t be so stingy! Good things must be shared! Come, come, don’t be anxious. Line up and touch it one by one. Duan Duan is number one!” ”

“Ye Zhuo could not help but laugh. “Yi Ling is right, you can line up.” ”

“Hearing this, the six children lined up and touched Yi Ling one by one. ”

“Being plucked by the children, Yi Ling’s expression was one of immersion. ”

This was probably the most glorious moment in its bird life.

“In changyue, the children had all kinds of high-end pets, but it had never been so popular. ”

“Duan Duan looked up at ye Zhuo and said, “Aunt, can you make me a robot that looks exactly like Yi Ling?” ”

“”This might not work,”ye Zhuo said in a shallow tone. ”

“Why?”Duan Duan tilted his cute little head.

“Ye Zhuo explained with a smile, “Because Yi Ling is a limited-edition robot, and there is only one in the world.” ”

“”Auntie, you’re so amazing. Can’t you even make it?”Duan Duan Duan asked. ”

“In his eyes, Ye Zao was the most amazing person. He could not be any more amazing than her! ”

Ye Zao shook his head. “I can’t.”

“Hearing this, Duan Duan Duan said in disappointment, “Fine!” ”

“Old Madam Cen had also arrived. At this moment, she was playing mahjong with the three sisters-in-law of the Lin family. ”

The old lady’s Luck was not bad. She had won several rounds in a row that night.

“However, the old lady was an old lady after all. After playing for a while, she felt her back ache. ”

Old Mrs. Cen turned to look at Zhou Xiang. “Xiang Xiang!”

“Mom.”Zhou Xiang immediately trotted over.

“Old Mrs. Cen continued, “Xiang Xiang, help me play for a while! I’m going out for a walk. If you win, it’s on me. If you lose, it’s on You!” ”

“Okay.”Zhou Xiang smiled and nodded.

“”Xiangxiang, come and sit.” ”

“Zhou Xiang was a very nice person. In addition, the Lin family’s several sister-in-laws were easy to get along with, so they got along very well. ”

“Wu Mei smiled and said, “Xiangxiang, you and your old lady are like mother and daughter.” ”

“Zhou Xiang nodded. “Yes, our old lady is very nice.” ”

“”I also envy such a mother-in-law-in-law relationship the most,”Yang Wenyin said in a low voice. “It’s a pity that our old lady has always been a demon, but she’s much better now!” ”

“Ever since the incident with Feng Xianxian, Old Lady Lin had been shut in. She believed in Buddhism and was a vegetarian, repenting for the past. ”

“At first, the few of them did not believe that Old Lady Lin could really change, but only now did they believe it. ”

“After giving the seat to Zhou Xiang, the old lady hummed a tune as she walked to the bathroom. “We commoners are really happy today...” ”

“When she reached the corner, she saw Xiao Bai sitting there. ”

“Old Lady Cen walked over and half-squatted down. She looked at Xiao Bai and said, “Xiao Bai Bai, what’s wrong? Why are you sitting here as a robot?” ”

“”Grandma, Can’t you tell?”Xiao Bai asked. ”

Old Mrs. Cen shook her head. “I can’t Tell!”

“Xiao Bai said aggrievedly, “I’m angry with the Duck! I’m so angry!” ”

“Old Mrs. Cen smiled and asked, “Who gave our universe’s number one, the number one cute Xiao Bai, a hard time? Tell Grandma, Grandma will take revenge for You!” ”

“”It’s all because of that cloaking spirit! HMPH! She’s so ugly! Not cute at all!”Little White said angrily, “She’s so ugly that my eyes hurt!” ”

Old Mrs. Cen couldn’t help but laugh.

“Little White continued, “Ever since ugly spirit came, the children don’t like me anymore!” ”

“Old Mrs. Cen smiled and said, “They don’t like that I like them! You will always be the number one cutest and most powerful little white in Grandma’s Heart!” ”

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