466 Didn’t expect to really use it

He was unconscious just now, so he didn’t feel anything.

Right now, Liang Yulin could smell the fresh fragrance from his lower body.

Even though the person carrying him wasn’t tall, she was very determined and courageous.

Her body was fragrant and soft, and the tips of his ears couldn’t help but turn red.

He had lived for so many years, but this was the first time he was so close to a woman.

In order not to feel awkward, he took the initiative to start a conversation. “Why are you guys here?”

Mother Xiao was actually a little embarrassed and awkward. She had never been alone with another man like this before.

Hearing Prince Yi’s words, she replied, “My daughter and I came here to pick mushrooms. When we were about to go down the mountain, we found a field of berries to pick. Then we saw you, who was injured not far away.

“You’re lucky that you were near the strawberry. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have found you.”

Liang Yulin chuckled. “Yeah, I think I’m lucky too.”

If he hadn’t met Mother Xiao and the rest, he definitely wouldn’t have been able to escape those threats today.

However, he was actually a little surprised.

Liang Yujun had actually been so ruthless this time. Did he want to fall out with his royal brother right now?

As he thought about it, he chatted with Mother Xiao.

Mother Xiao also gradually relaxed.

The two walked for another half an hour.

Feeling that those people really didn’t catch up, Mother Xiao put Prince Yi down and let him lean against a big tree.

“There should be a water source there, ” she said to Prince Yi. “I’ll go find some water for you.

“You must be hungry. I’ll make something to eat.”

Prince Yi nodded. “I’ll have to trouble you.”

Mother Xiao thought for a moment, then pulled out a dagger from her boot and handed it to Prince Yi. “Take this for self-defense.”

This was what her daughter-in-law had taught her.

Everyone in their family had breathable shoes that were specially made for summer.

If they left the county, they would put the special dagger in their boots and take it out in case of danger.

The northern border was really full of danger.

Who knew whether they would be in danger when they went out that day?

Mother Xiao had an enigmatic trust in her daughter-in-law, so she had been doing it.

As long as she left the county, she would dress like this.

She didn’t expect to really use it.

Seeing the dagger being handed over, Liang Yulin was stunned, clearly surprised.

His heart warmed.

He didn’t expect that this woman, who had always looked timid, would choose to give him the dagger that could save her life.

He didn’t take it. “It’s safer for you to keep it.”

“I still have another one. You can take this one,” Mother Xiao said with a smile.

“My daughter-in-law said that opportunities are always given to those who are prepared, so we all brought two daggers.”

Then, she took out another one from her other boot.

This was a special boot with some space for daggers, so it wouldn’t hinder her walking.

She, her daughter-in-law, and her daughter always kept two in their boots.

This way, they could always have another one as a replacement.

Liang Yulin thought to himself, they were so well prepared. Xiao Hanzheng’s women are really all different.

He took the dagger and said, “Thank you!”

Mother Xiao held the dagger and went to find water.

She had once gone to the mountains near the manor with her daughter-in-law to explore, so her daughter-in-law had taught her a lot of things, such as how to find water in the wild and how to get food.

What plants could be eaten, and what could be used, she had memorized them at that time, but she didn’t expect it to be of use one day.

Following her daughter-in-law’s instructions, she quickly found a small stream.

Then, she washed herself with the water bag she brought with him and filled it with water.

She also took a few sips.

Then, she started to look for food.

According to what her daughter-in-law had taught her, she successfully found a pheasant and a nest of pheasant eggs based on the traces of feces.

She practiced martial arts with her daughter-in-law and daughter every day, so although the pheasant was agile, she still caught it after some effort.

After she succeeded, she caught the pheasant and put the pheasant egg into the pouch on her back.

She returned to the stream and cleaned the chicken before returning with it.

Liang Yulin was stunned to see her walking out of the forest with an innocent smile.

Her hair was a little messy from running and catching wild chickens, and she looked a little disheveled, but her eyes were bright.

He didn’t know why, but he felt that she was very beautiful and attractive at this moment.

Mother Xiao walked over and happily shared her spoils with Prince Yi.

“I found water, a pheasant, and some eggs. We have food.”

“You’re amazing,” Liang Yulin praised generously.

Mother Xiao smiled in embarrassment. “Actually, it’s my daughter-in-law who’s amazing. She taught me all this.”

She handed the water bag to Prince Yi and told him what her daughter-in-law had taught them.

Liang Yulin’s eyes lit up when she mentioned her daughter-in-law, and her words were gentle.

It was obvious that she really liked her daughter-in-law.

After listening, he also felt that Shi Qingluo was indeed amazing and knew a lot.

However, Mother Xiao wasn’t bad either.

If she didn’t believe in her daughter-in-law and put in effort to learn, she wouldn’t be able to do this now.

After drinking the water, he felt much more refreshed.

“How do I eat this chicken?” he asked.

Mother Xiao took out the big leaf that she had found and said, “This dish is called beggar’s chicken.”

Then, she took out a wild chicken egg, a fire starter, and some seasoning powder from his side pocket.

She marinated the chicken with seasoning and placed it on the leaves.

She dug a pit with a dagger and found some dry wood to light.

Then, she wrapped the chicken in leaves and mud, and put it in the fire to roast.

Then, she wrapped the wild chicken egg in mud and placed it inside to roast as well.

Subsequently, she took a few large leaves and fanned the smoke from the fire away to prevent it from being discovered by the pursuers.

This was the first time Liang Yulin had seen someone cook chicken like this. He found Mother Xiao really interesting.

She even brought a fire starter and condiments with her.

When the chicken was done, the two continued to chat.

Most of the time, it was Mother Xiao talking about how powerful her daughter-in-law was.

Gradually, the unfamiliarity between the two of them was reduced.

Seeing that it was almost time, Mother Xiao dug the chicken out and knocked the soil away.

Soon, Liang Yulin caught a whiff of a fragrant aroma, and he couldn’t help but feel hungry.

Mother Xiao let him eat the chicken, and she ate the pheasant egg.

Liang Yulin couldn’t bear to eat chicken alone, so he kept asking her to eat with him.

However, Mother Xiao shook her head. “You’ll only have strength after eating the chicken. Only then can we escape better and find a way back down the mountain.”

Hearing her say this, Liang Yulin didn’t refuse and ate the whole chicken.

It was so delicious that he thought it was the most delicious chicken he had ever eaten in his life.

After the two of them finished eating, Liang Yulin’s strength had recovered a lot. This time, he didn’t let her carry him, but let her help him walk.

He could tell that she had used up too much of her energy.

If she were to carry him again, she would definitely not be able to handle it.

When Mother Xiao saw that he could walk, she didn’t force him to let her carry. She really couldn’t carry him anymore, and her legs were still sore.

Then, the two of them supported each other along the way, looking for a way out of the deep mountains.

However, before they could find their way, the sky started to turn dark.

The two of them had no choice but to find a cave to stay the night.

In the evening, they ate the wild fruits that Mother Xiao picked on the way, as well as the remaining pheasant eggs that she had roasted.

The two of them slept separately in the cave, separated by a distance.

In the middle of the night, Liang Yulin suddenly had a fever and fell into a semi-conscious state.

Mother Xiao heard the uncomfortable moans and woke up immediately because she hadn’t slept well.

She saw that Prince Yi’s body was hot, but his body and hands were cold.

She immediately walked over and Prince Yi hugged her as if to keep himself warm.

She had no choice but to let him hold her.

She took out a water bag and wet the handkerchief, then put it on his forehead.

After a while, she wet it again.

Liang Yulin felt the warmth of his body and the coolness of his forehead.

It wasn’t so uncomfortable, and he gradually fell asleep again.

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