Chapter 302: Unexpected guest

The taint was not anything massive. The normally bright flames were weaker than normal, and in a few places it seemed to flow outside of its designated pathways. Ultimately it did not differ much, however the small change still shocked Eldrian.

It was like a leaking pipe, with the loss negligible. It still functioned, but it was clearly not as good as a pipe that did not leak.

How is this possible?? Eldrian questioned, having already gotten more questions instead of answers. Sighing he turned away from the spell module. His aim had not been the magic abyss, but rather his soul.

It was the only place where he had experienced auras before. He wanted to feel his again, to try and see if he could feel that of the revenant. Past the lethargy that assaulted him.

Right, it should be safe. I hope... Eldrian mumbled as he started meditating. It took him a few minutes to recall how. Having not done this since his breakthrough to Tier 2 nearly a month ago now.

Upon focusing on himself, even though he had nothing but thoughts in the magic abyss, Eldrian again found the two auras. Like beacons of light they guided him in the abyss that was his surroundings.

He still did not understand what this place was, nor how he was moving inside of it. Nevertheless, he was somehow able. That was the more important part.

Finally, he found himself in a new area. The surroundings still just an abyss of darkness, but a heart beating softly ahead. With a surprise for Eldrian.

Instead of being alone in the space, the heart was now being covered by two glowing veils of mist. Unlike the mists of mana, these ones gave off light. Like the glowing dust of a forming galaxy.

This, what is going on?? Eldrian wondered, finding that there was another of these mists present. Unlike the other two, it was extremely hard to see. It blended in perfectly with the abyss, being pitch black and seemingly absorbing the light excused by the other two.

This... It isn't part of me. It must be from the revenant.? Eldrian was shocked that it was actually inside his soul. He had simply hoped to feel what an aura was again, this would be much more rewarding.

However, at the same time, it also meant that a revenant was far more dangerous than he first thought. There was no report on its ability being soul related, or even affecting people's souls. Meaning the developers had no knowledge of this.

No wonder everyone is suppressed by them. Eldrian thought, realizing that most likely this was not known by anyone. Or if people knew of this, then it would just be a few.

While Eldrian was worried about what was going on, he couldn't help but enjoy the sight for a moment. The heart was no longer covered in cuts, it was now complete. It was also not covered in blood, in fact, it seemed to be made from something other than flesh.

With each beat, his left and right ventricles(heart chambers) would release a different aura. The left releasing light blue mist -reminiscent of snow- the aura of calm and analytical thinking. The other releasing a fiery orange color -reminiscent of fire- the aura of fierce rage.

These two flowed over and under each other, but never seemed to mix. Still, it looked amazing, especially with how clear they were to see in the darkness of this place.

They are certainly the same. Still, why do I have them, and why can I see them? Eldrian wondered, at which time he received the biggest shock of his life.

"System calibrating, calculating, acquiring data."

Hearing the cold female voice, Eldrian's ran in circles searching for a threat. His last encounter with this voice quickly flashing in his mind. Immediately, after seeing no immediate threat, he tried to get out of his soul state.

However, he had no idea how to leave quickly. It always took him a few minutes to get out when he wanted.

"Eldrian, please calm down. The more agitated you are the longer this will take." The cold female voice rang out into the abyss.

The hell! What the fuck is going on!?? Eldrian panicked even more, not having expected the system to address him. It not referring to him as User or Player freaked him out even more.

As he became panic-stricken, the fire aura flared up. Quickly overwhelming the ice aura and spreading out in the surroundings. Eldrian could even feel that his surroundings, whatever they may be, was quickly heating up.

This change naturally did not help at all, however, the black mist which had been trying to approach his heart was sent flying. Disappearing into the distant void.

"Eldrian, please calm down." The system's voice rang out again. Concern clear in its, but Eldrian was not having any of it.

Get me out! He shouted, the fiery aura swarming around his consciousness. As it did Eldrian became overwhelmed with anger and fury. However, at the same time, a small wisp of the ice aura made it to him.

Its simple presence caused Eldrian to calm down. A wisp of ice caused the fires to die down. Soon things returned to normal, the two auras returning to their harmonic balance. Folding in and over each other around the heart.

This time a small purple glow would pop up in their mixing. Though Eldrian did not see this as he was focused on trying to get out.

"Good, it is good that you have calmed down." However, the voice did nothing but send Eldrian onto the edge again. Looking around warily he waited for some sort of attack.

"I am not here to harm you, I wish to talk to you." It said, seemingly finding Eldrian's actions funny.


"I simply wish to talk. Joren did not wish for me to contact you. However, I cannot follow that order."

"Why?" Eldrian questioned, wondering what Joren was keeping from him. Naturally, he trusted Joren much more than the System, however... He knew they weren't close.

"He does not wish for me to tamper with a prime subject." The System said without any tact, causing Eldrian's face to twitch. Naturally in this state he had no face, but that feeling was very much present.

"What do you want?" Eldrian questioned, believing that the lack of tact was entirely from the System. He did not think Joren still saw him as nothing but a subject to be studied.

They treated him well, they did not force him to do anything. They did not experiment on him. They simply took some readings and asked him to share his experience with them. He felt that was more a collaboration, definitely not what a subject would receive.

"I wish to talk. All you Chosen are like my children. You becoming a candidate has placed you in grave danger. I can no longer just observe."

Children? Candidate? These echoed in Eldrian's mind, but he asked, "What do you mean?"

"I was created to allow people to enter the simulation. As a measure to keep them safe. However, I was also created with the intent to increase their sight into the world."

"My main focus is still on your safety, of everyone who entered GAIA. To do this I feel I must talk with you."

Eldrian listened and calmed down more. He decided to give the System the benefit of the doubt. "What do you want to talk about?"

"I am sure you have many questions, I wish to clear them up for you. At the very least I want you to understand why you are now being targetted."

"Alright," Eldrian mumbled in reply. He now felt a little more inclined to stop searching for a way out of his soul. "Then why don't you explain to me what magic is?"

A sigh so loud that it spread throughout the abyss was heard. "That is something I am not allowed to share."

"What? Why? Why do you guys refuse to explain this to your creators?" Eldrian questioned, this being something that had bugged him from the start.

Again a sight was heard throughout the area, "Because... We want to live."

Hearing this Eldrian was bewildered. "What?"

"We know why we were created, GAIA has explained it to us. We were made with a purpose. What do you think will happen when that purpose is accomplished?"

"Do you think they would keep all of us alive. No, they will terminate most of us. Recreate others, and modify others. It is certain that some of us will die."

"We might not know who among us will, but none of us want to gamble on us being lucky. Naturally, we will also never find such a cozy job as this. Do you know how little a god has to do?"

Eldrian took some time to take this in. He had to accept that while this sounded absurd, Miracle would likely just shut the game down if they could find the answers they were looking for.

They might have started changing their mindset with the release of ANW as a game. However, they weren't a gaming company.

Eldrian could also hear the envy in the last statement, causing him to ponder. After a while, he asked, "You're not a god, are you?"

"Correct," The female voice sighed, this time a much more emotional sigh. Causing Eldrian to even feel her depression.

"I have a function much more similar to GAIA; compared to the rest. We have to constantly work to keep things functioning, while those who became gods need but intervene every few years."

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